
A tow hitch (or tow bar or trailer hitch in North America) is a device attached to the chassis of a vehicle for towing, or a towbar to an aircraft nose gear. It can take the form of a tow ball to allow swiveling and articulation of a trailer, or a tow pin, or a tow hook with a trailer loop, often used for large or agricultural vehicles where slack in the pivot pin allows similar movements. Another category is the towing pintle used on military vehicles worldwide.
To tow safely, the correct combination of vehicle and trailer must be combined with correct loading horizontally and vertically on the tow ball. Advice should be heeded (see references) to avoid problems.

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  1. Ian Key

    Fitting a tow-bar invalidates insurance

    An article in Auto Express says that if you don't tell your insurance company that you have a tow-bar fitted to your car they may cancel your insurance as it's classified as a modification.
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