
In an internal combustion engine, a turbocharger (also known as a turbo or a turbosupercharger) is a forced induction device that is powered by the flow of exhaust gases. It uses this energy to compress the intake air, forcing more air into the engine in order to produce more power for a given displacement.
The current categorisation is that a turbocharger is powered by the kinetic energy of the exhaust gases, whereas a supercharger is mechanically powered (usually by a belt from the engine's crankshaft). However, up until the mid-20th century, a turbocharger was called a "turbosupercharger" and was considered a type of supercharger.

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  1. B

    Competition Time: Photograph the TT and win a prize!

    Well, I finally got my MG4 (Affectionately known as the Turbo Tango (TT for short)) back from crash repair (after 10 months :cry:) So to celebrate I'm getting out and about a fair bit over the next month or so. I joked about this idea in the XPower section but given it's getting more...
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