
Bootloader unlocking is the process of disabling the bootloader security that makes secure boot possible. It can make advanced customizations possible, such as installing a custom firmware. On smartphones this can be a custom Android distribution or another mobile operating system. Some bootloaders are not locked at all, others can be unlocked using a standard command, others need assistance from the manufacturer. Some do not include an unlocking method and can only be unlocked through a software exploit.
Bootloader unlocking is also done for mobile forensics purposes, to extract digital evidence from mobile devices, using tools such as Cellebrite UFED.

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  1. C

    Lock-in pin stuckp

    Our 3 year old MGZS, long Range stopped working at public charge point. AA man found the lock-in pin on charger was stiff, re released it with end of spanner. Anyone else had this problem?
  2. I

    Car doors not unlocking

    Hello guys, 5 month old mg4 owner here. Sometimes my car doesn't respond to both keys for a long time. And when i hear the sound which can be heard when starting the vehicle after dc charging, doors can be unlocked. when i sit, the vehicle shows warning of every system's fault everywhere is...
  3. MG Clive

    [1] MG3 Hybrid locking and unlocking video tutorial guide.

    This is a great video explaining everything you need to know about the MG3 Hybrid+ locks and keys.
  4. D

    Back door not unlocking?

    I'm pretty sure the normal operation is when I get out of the drivers seat the rear doors unlock - is that right? I've noticed a few times recently when I've got out and tried to open the back door from outside to get something off the backs seat and it is still locked. I have to lock the car...
  5. Cushie

    Difficulty unlocking charge plug

    I have not used many motorway charge points and sofar they have all been Gridserve ( no App available) On one of these occasions I could not get the plug to disconnect from the car. I use payment by Google Pay on mobile phone and their instructions were applicable to using a credit card and a...
  6. Cushie

    Difficult unlocking charging plug!

    Moved to EV forum general
  7. dsimpkins

    Problem unlocking charging cable from car

    Had my first problem today. Went to ASDA and used one of their free charging points (BP Pulse) When I came out, I unlocked the car as usual to stop it charging. Tried to remove the cable from the car. It was still locked. Checked on the BP Pulse app and the car was still charging, so...
  8. B

    Lesson learnt, locked keys in car!

    Me again, is it possible to lock and unlock the car via the app?! Today I put stuff in the boot, including my jacket with the keys in, shut the boot and went to press the door button only to find access denied! How close do the keys have to be to the handle, is it possible to deactivate the...
  9. beej

    Rear hatchback self unlocking

    Has anyone had their hatchback "popping" unlocked at strange times - like getting out of the car or unlocking to disconnect the power cable? Also, has anyone had the rear camera replaced due to its clouding over? Had my HS PHEV Exclusive for just over two years.
  10. Shengis

    Not charging & charger not unlocking

    So after 4 months of reasonably happy driving with the MG4, what I feared might happen has happened. Went into my garage this morning, it hadn’t charged overnight and the cable was stuck locked in the charging port. None of the usual lights round the charger like the car wasn’t recognising it...
  11. Lovemyev

    Unlocking your type 2 charging cable from charging port from the info screen ?.

    Not sure if anybody is aware of this feature ?. I know there is a manual release for the type 2 cable, located under the bonnet of the MG models, but in the case of the MG5 you have to remove the plastic top cover to access this manual cable release, therefore some owners have attached a pull...
  12. sgt4hed

    Car still won't pause charge when unlocking

    I have a 22 plate MK2 ZS and when I unlock the vehicle it still continues to charge and won't release the charge cable, I have to either log into the slow MG iSmart app and stop it or get in the car, double press the start button and then the battery switch then hit finish charging. My previous...
  13. MonsterMonster

    Check charge without unlocking

    How can I check the charging progress outside of the car without unlocking it whilst having the keys in my pocket? If I press the door handle button the car unlocks. If I leave the keys in the house and press the same button the dash simply lights up with the charging percentage.
  14. D

    Charge Cable Locking and Unlocking

    Has anyone spent any time within earshot of their HS while it is plugged in and charged. Me and the missus have recently had quite a nasty cough, so for the last week or so one of us has been sleeping in the spare room, which is directly above the charger, we both sleep with the window cracked...
  15. B

    MG5 Unlocking during charge not releasing connector

    First attempt at using a Pod Point Tesco charger today. Charging started OK with app confirmation. Returning to the car, unlocking, the charge did not terminate, and nor did the charge connector unlock at either the car or the Pod Point ends. The car even let me enter ready mode and reverse...
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