
Upgrading is the process of replacing a product with a newer version of the same product. In computing and consumer electronics an upgrade is generally a replacement of hardware, software or firmware with a newer or better version, in order to bring the system up to date or to improve its characteristics.

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  1. C

    Upgraded / Performance Brake Options?

    Wanted to ask if anyone has any recommendations for upgrading the Discs & Pads - stock ones are good but noticeably struggling under harder braking. How would I confirm their sizes and would any disc of that size for the MG4 di, or do you need specific ones?
  2. LenEV2016

    Revised/upgraded X Power

    I was thinking, what's people's thoughts on when they come to revise the X Power if they upped the price (still under £40k) but in return upped the quality ( and obviously got rid of the vibes) Stuff off the top of my head. When I had one for the day I felt it needed better seats, more support...
  3. sz00gun

    What can you tell me about my car? Looking at...

    What can you tell me about version of software which sits in MG HS PHEV 2022. Would MG installed latest? Is this worth? Please advise
  4. pecker

    MG4 trophy 12V battery

    Advice needed please. Anyone clued up on 12V batteries? I’d like to replace the standard 12V battery with a better spec & larger capacity battery. I keep reading about so many issues that seem to be down to the standard 12V battery and would like to avoid such issues Thanks
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