user manual

A user guide, also commonly known as a user manual, is intended to assist users in using a particular product, service or application. It's usually written by a technician, product developer, or a company's customer service staff.
Most user guides contain both a written guide and associated images. In the case of computer applications, it is usual to include screenshots of the human-machine interface(s), and hardware manuals often include clear, simplified diagrams. The language used is matched to the intended audience, with jargon kept to a minimum or explained thoroughly.

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  1. dsr

    Revised User Manual?

    Does anyone know if there an updated manual in the pipeline? As a small example, the online one refers to 17” wheels only, while 18” ones have been around for quite some time.
  2. D

    user manual

    Has anyone noticed that the MG5 user manual has disappeared from the list of manuals.
  3. Jackolino

    User Manual as pdf

    Hello everyone, can someone make the operating instructions for the Cyberster available as a pdf? Or has anyone already found a way to download it? Thanks and Greetings Stefan
  4. S

    How to see %age full

    My daughter has brought her new (to her) XS down this weekend. It's been on my charger overnight and has stopped charging so I am pretty sure it is 100% full - but (even with the help of the manual) I can't see where to confirm this in the menus. The old style fuel gauge shows it as full but...
  5. G

    MG4 Trophy - a Guide

    This is a Guide to an MG4 Trophy (2023 version with R40 infotainment software) which is intended to help drivers quickly understand the features available. I am attaching the pdf version of the Guide to this post. A Word version is also available from a Microsoft OneDrive together with an...
  6. R

    Tyre Pressure

    Does anyone know what type pressure is needed for a fully loaded car? The user manual only states unladen vehicle. Types are 235/50 R18 Any help appreciated
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