
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) (English: Association of German Engineers) is an organization of about 135,000 engineers and natural scientists. More than 12,000 honorary experts process the latest technical findings each year to promote the technology location. Established in 1856, it is the largest engineering association in Western Europe.
Its role in Germany is comparable to that of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in the United States or Engineers Australia (EA) in Australia, but includes broader field work. It is not a union, but promotes the advancement of technology and represents the interests of engineers and engineering businesses in Germany.

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  1. Geekice

    R38 with Updated HVAC: Finally a Comfortable Cabin!

    Hi everyone, A few days ago, I received my VDI to perform some updates via SIPS, if interested see thread: The first thing I did was update the FICM configuration file and the HVAC unit. Right after that, I took the car for a drive, and I still had my previous settings to keep the cabin warm...
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