voice commands

A voice-user interface (VUI) makes spoken human interaction with computers possible, using speech recognition to understand spoken commands and answer questions, and typically text to speech to play a reply. A voice command device is a device controlled with a voice user interface.
Voice user interfaces have been added to automobiles, home automation systems, computer operating systems, home appliances like washing machines and microwave ovens, and television remote controls. They are the primary way of interacting with virtual assistants on smartphones and smart speakers. Older automated attendants (which route phone calls to the correct extension) and interactive voice response systems (which conduct more complicated transactions over the phone) can respond to the pressing of keypad buttons via DTMF tones, but those with a full voice user interface allow callers to speak requests and responses without having to press any buttons.
Newer voice command devices are speaker-independent, so they can respond to multiple voices, regardless of accent or dialectal influences. They are also capable of responding to several commands at once, separating vocal messages, and providing appropriate feedback, accurately imitating a natural conversation.

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  1. D


    Are you aware that the MG ZS-EV trophy edition has voice commands? Try saying "Hello MG". You will hear a voice welcoming you and asking "How can I help". Try saying "Open sunroof" for example (Also "Close sunroof"). There are 96 voice commands. Not all work on UK models. Most do. Try "Turn on...
  2. johnb80

    Voice Commands Not Working

    Im sure Im missing something obvious here, I press the voice button on the steering wheel and nothing happens. Does the FL MG5 Trophy not have voice commands? is there a setting somewhere I need to enable it? Thanks - J
  3. P

    Using voice commands with Amazon Music

    I have Amazon Music set up via the Infotainment unit in my MG4 Trophy. At home I use it exclusively via voice commands. Is there any way of using voice commands to control in in the car?
  4. BeardedZs

    She just won't listen!

    Our 2022 ZS Trophy won't respond to Hello MG or the steering wheel button. Please does anyone know if I have voice commands and if so do I need to enable them somehow? I have looked in the forum but can't find an answer.....
  5. R

    Mg5 23 plate trophy voice commands?

    Hi guys, new mg5 trophy owner. Worked out most stuff but can't really be sure on one thing ....voice commands...we have a voice command button on steering wheel but it doesn't do anything when you press it. We are used to being able to make bluetooth calls/txt messages via asking the voice...
  6. teejayuu

    Voice commands

    Is there a list of voice commands somewhere?
  7. M

    Voice commands

    Got a message yesterday Voice commands not available at the moment. Any ideas TIA
  8. PristDean

    Hello MG

    My experience with this when trying to make a phone cal using my voice is: "Hello MG - Call Wendy" "Calling Phil B" "Hello MG - Call House" "Calling Starling Customer services" Tried many times, with many tones of voice, fast, slow etc and the result is always the same. My info system is on...
  9. BazzaBoy

    Using Voice Commands

    I own an MG ZS EV standard range Essence in Western Australia. I am trying to figure out how to get the car to do stuff like "open sunroof" or "roll down driver side window" using voice commands. I am not talking about Google voice commands. Is that possible in my car? I think the UK...
  10. Rifleman

    Amazon and voice commands

    Hi All, i have just taken delivery of my TCLR. And i can't find the Amazon set up screen and the voice command button does nothing. have i been given a non-connect version?
  11. Ian Key

    Voice Commands

    Does anyone know what the voice commands are on the Trophy and how well do they work ?
  12. AussiePete

    More Android Auto voice commands

    I posted a while ago about using Google Voice commands on Android Auto (Hey Google, navigate to my nearest charging point) and whilst experimenting today I found that Google seems to now take more complex instructions, which solves a problem I've had finding chargers on my route whilst driving...
  13. Purley King

    Voice Commands

    I have had my MG5 for about a month now and started to investigate some of the facilities available. I have mastered some but cannot get the car to accept voice commands unless I plug my android phone in the appropriate socket. Is this the case or am I doing something wrong? Help would be...
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