
A voucher is a bond of the redeemable transaction type which is worth a certain monetary value and which may be spent only for specific reasons or on specific goods. Examples include housing, travel, and food vouchers. The term voucher is also a synonym for receipt and is often used to refer to receipts used as evidence of, for example, the declaration that a service has been performed or that an expenditure has been made. Voucher is a tourist guide for using services with a guarantee of payment by the agency.
The term is also commonly used for school vouchers, which are somewhat different.

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  1. JohnV6

    £299 Electroverse voucher

    I found well hidden on the MG UK site that new car buyers till end of March get £299 of free energy if they use electroverse. The dealer tells me MG UK send a code. I picked up my ZS EV last Thursday but so far no email from MG UK with a code. Has anyone managed to get a code?
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