warning message

A warning label is a label attached to a product, or contained in a product's instruction manual, warning the user about risks associated with its use, and may include restrictions by the manufacturer or seller on certain uses. Most of them are placed to limit civil liability in lawsuits against the item's manufacturer or seller (see product liability). That sometimes results in labels which for some people seem to state the obvious.

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  1. barry7153

    "please take control of vehicle"

    Driving my MG4 Trophy home from Kent, I got the message "please take control of vehicle" in red on display twice. Both times I was driving in cruise control, OPD, lane keep assist disabled, on a dual carriageway when the message flashed up and the car dramatically lost speed as it dropped out of...
  2. A

    12 volt battery

    The 12 volt yellow battery warning message displayed today and I had to switch off and on several times before the car would boot up as normal. Why does this happen ?
  3. T

    Dcdc charge fault??

    Hi, bought my 21 MG5 prefacelift a few weeks ago, 15000 miles. Everything was going smoothly but today got a scare while driving when a warning message appeared - DCDC charge fault with a red battery symbol. Car was at 78% charge and this warning appeared a few times before arriving home...
  4. F

    MG4 ESP or EPS related warning message

    Hi, I have a very quick EPS or EPS related warning message came on the driver display today. After a warning sound, the message came on for less than a second, I couldn't read it properly. Has anyone came across this before?
  5. billdunstew

    Strange warning message

    I was driving down the A34 with CC set at 60, one passenger and a fairly heavy boot load - going on holiday. For no apparent reason I got the chime warning and a message "Please hold wheel", never seen this before - or since. There were several repeated warnings, eventually it came up in red...
  6. PhilT

    Ambient temperature

    Ok. I’ve had my MG4 for two months and love it. But I get this message about battery ambient temperature. I choose to ignore it and press cancel. Am I doing right? What should I do ?
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