warwick services

Warwick Services is a motorway service station on the M40 motorway in Warwickshire, England. It is situated approximately 5 miles (8 km) south-east of Warwick and is owned by Welcome Break.
It is situated on two bases at each side of the motorway, and was opened in early 1996 as the second of four service stations which serve the M40. It was the second of four service stations to open on the motorway.
Throughout 2007 the northbound Days Inn hotel was closed as the ground floor had completely flooded, although it has since reopened.Until recently they had to be signed as 'Welcome Break Coffee Primo' as they only recently gained a KFC outlet. The southbound services were one of the first to gain a KFC facility.

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  1. tonybridge

    Charging at AppleGreen stations, Warwick Services

    Arrived this afternoon at Warwick South Services to top up for the final 70 miles to home. 20 Tesla stations all ful - round the corner, 16 AppleGreens for us poor people, completely empty :unsure: So, plugged in, faffed about with the touch screen (almost unreadable in the strong winter sun)...
  2. tonybridge

    Applegreen Chargers at Warwick

    Last November, returning from a family wedding in Worcester, I called in at the Warwick Services on the southbound M40 for a quick top-up for my 4LR. This was my first-ever attempt at public charging. The two (count them!) chargers that I was heading for were of course occupied. I hadn't done my...
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