welcome messages

Many computer systems display a message of the day or welcome message when a user first connects to them, logs in to them, or starts them. It is a way of sending a common message to all users, and may include information about system changes, system availability, and so on. More recently, systems have displayed personalized messages of the day.
On many time-sharing systems, the contents of the message of the day are fetched from a system file:

Compatible Time-Sharing System;
Multics: the motd info segment;
Incompatible Timesharing System (ITS)
Unix-like systems: the /etc/motd file, though most modern Linux distributions do not support the /etc/motd file.
Univac VS/9

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  1. R

    MG4 Trophy issues (cables and AA connectivity)

    Hi I'm having some issues with my MG4 1)I can only use a short cable for Android auto. I work in IT so I know my cables and they are of good quality. If I use a longer cable it gets detected goes to switch into AA but then turns off. WHY? 2) USB C port always says faulty charger when I try to...
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