wind noise

Trade Winds, White Noise is Tim Hecker's second release. It was released on July 1, 2002 and distributed with copies of the 107th issue of Parachute Magazine.

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  1. M

    Wind Noise

    Hi everyone. I’m currently deciding on new car and the MG ZS Hybrid + is on my shortlist. Hoping to book a test drive next few days and hoping that will involve some high speed driving. I’m currently reading this forum and reading / watching reviews. Once concern I have is wind noise at motorway...
  2. Scoozy

    Wind noise on the driver and passenger side when you get higher speeds?

    Hello, Just be curious if anyone has the same "problem" on their MG4, when I drive more than 80 km/h, it's like the window is not completely closed and I hear some wind noise... Is there a well-known fix @ the dealer for this situation?
  3. A

    Wind noise over approx 55mph

    As per the title, my MG5 seems to suffer from wind noise - either from the pillar or maybe even from the roof bars. The noise increases on higher speeds, and is silent under 50mph ish. I don't think that it's a problem with the seals, as I can't feel any draught at all. Does anyone else have...
  4. J

    Wind noise Drivers/RHS

    Hi, One of the complaints i have in my snagging list is that the car has an anoying wind noise over 40mph. Its only heard from the drivers side and others have had this on here too. I shown my dealer a video where i taped up the front quarter glass and the problem went away but they are asking...
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