Charge Overrunning

DASHBOARD - Once all is added above, you can then import this to your dashboards under the RAW Editor. - Make sure you do the REPLACEME again with your VIN

Requires HACS/LoveLace/Mushroom Cards

Edit and add image below too and replace on main stack.

This is for use on Mobile, you can edit to make a different type etc but you're on your own as I used it as a mobile dashboard.
  - icon: ''
    title: MG Mobile
    path: MGMobile
    type: panel
    badges: []
      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: picture-elements
              - type: state-badge
                entity: sensor.REPLACEME_soc
                  top: 10%
                  left: 40%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-badge
                entity: sensor.mg_range_miles
                  top: 10%
                  left: 60%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-icon
                entity: binary_sensor.REPLACEME_battery_charging
                  top: 9.5%
                  left: 50%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-badge
                entity: lock.REPLACEME_doors_lock
                  top: 60%
                  left: 50%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-badge
                entity: lock.REPLACEME_boot_lock
                  top: 85%
                  left: 50%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-badge
                entity: climate.REPLACEME_vehicle_climate
                  top: 45%
                  left: 58%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-badge
                entity: sensor.REPLACEME_interior_temperature
                  top: 45%
                  left: 42%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-badge
                entity: sensor.REPLACEME_tyres_front_left_pressure
                  top: 30%
                  left: 21%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-badge
                entity: sensor.REPLACEME_tyres_front_right_pressure
                  top: 30%
                  left: 78.5%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-badge
                entity: sensor.REPLACEME_tyres_rear_left_pressure
                  top: 71%
                  left: 21%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
              - type: state-badge
                entity: sensor.REPLACEME_tyres_rear_right_pressure
                  top: 71%
                  left: 79%
                  '--ha-label-badge-title-font-size': 0em
            image: /api/image/serve/922059dec239c040449df98bd9317926/512x512
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: gauge
                entity: sensor.REPLACEME_soc
                name: SOC
                needle: true
                  - from: 0
                    color: '#FF0000'
                  - from: 1.47
                    color: '#FF0F00'
                  - from: 2.94
                    color: '#FF1E00'
                  - from: 4.41
                    color: '#FF2D00'
                  - from: 5.88
                    color: '#FF3C00'
                  - from: 7.35
                    color: '#FF4B00'
                  - from: 8.82
                    color: '#FF5A00'
                  - from: 10.29
                    color: '#FF6900'
                  - from: 11.76
                    color: '#FF7800'
                  - from: 13.24
                    color: '#FF8700'
                  - from: 14.71
                    color: '#FF9600'
                  - from: 16.18
                    color: '#FFA500'
                  - from: 17.65
                    color: '#FFB400'
                  - from: 19.12
                    color: '#FFC300'
                  - from: 20.59
                    color: '#FFD200'
                  - from: 22.06
                    color: '#FFE100'
                  - from: 23.53
                    color: '#FFF000'
                  - from: 25
                    color: '#FFFF00'
                  - from: 26.57
                    color: '#F7FD00'
                  - from: 28.14
                    color: '#F0FC00'
                  - from: 29.71
                    color: '#E9FA00'
                  - from: 31.29
                    color: '#E1F900'
                  - from: 32.86
                    color: '#DAF701'
                  - from: 34.43
                    color: '#D3F601'
                  - from: 36
                    color: '#CCF401'
                  - from: 37.57
                    color: '#C4F301'
                  - from: 39.14
                    color: '#BDF101'
                  - from: 40.71
                    color: '#B6F002'
                  - from: 42.29
                    color: '#AEEE02'
                  - from: 43.86
                    color: '#A7ED02'
                  - from: 45.43
                    color: '#A0EC02'
                  - from: 47
                    color: '#99EA02'
                  - from: 48.57
                    color: '#91E903'
                  - from: 50.14
                    color: '#8AE703'
                  - from: 51.71
                    color: '#83E603'
                  - from: 53.29
                    color: '#7BE403'
                  - from: 54.86
                    color: '#74E303'
                  - from: 56.43
                    color: '#6DE104'
                  - from: 58
                    color: '#66E004'
                  - from: 59.57
                    color: '#5EDE04'
                  - from: 61.14
                    color: '#57DD04'
                  - from: 62.71
                    color: '#50DC04'
                  - from: 64.29
                    color: '#48DA05'
                  - from: 65.86
                    color: '#41D905'
                  - from: 67.43
                    color: '#3AD705'
                  - from: 69
                    color: '#33D605'
                  - from: 70.57
                    color: '#2BD405'
                  - from: 72.14
                    color: '#24D306'
                  - from: 73.71
                    color: '#1DD106'
                  - from: 75.29
                    color: '#15D006'
                  - from: 76.86
                    color: '#0ECE06'
                  - from: 78.43
                    color: '#07CD06'
                  - from: 80
                    color: '#00CC07'
                  - from: 81.18
                    color: '#08C410'
                  - from: 82.35
                    color: '#10BC19'
                  - from: 83.53
                    color: '#18B422'
                  - from: 84.71
                    color: '#20AC2B'
                  - from: 85.88
                    color: '#28A434'
                  - from: 87.06
                    color: '#309C3D'
                  - from: 88.24
                    color: '#389446'
                  - from: 89.41
                    color: '#408C4F'
                  - from: 90.59
                    color: '#488458'
                  - from: 91.76
                    color: '#507C61'
                  - from: 92.94
                    color: '#58746A'
                  - from: 94.12
                    color: '#606C73'
                  - from: 95.29
                    color: '#68647C'
                  - from: 96.47
                    color: '#705C85'
                  - from: 97.65
                    color: '#78548E'
                  - from: 98.82
                    color: '#804C97'
                  - from: 100
                    color: '#8845A1'
                unit: '%'
              - type: tile
                icon: mdi:map-marker-distance
                name: Range
                vertical: true
                entity: sensor.mg_range_miles
              - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
                entity: sensor.REPLACEME_auxiliary_battery_voltage
                layout: vertical
                name: Aux Battery
                fill_container: true
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
                entity: binary_sensor.REPLACEME_charger_connected
                name: Charger
                layout: vertical
                primary_info: none
              - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
                entity: binary_sensor.REPLACEME_battery_charging
                name: Charging?
                layout: vertical
                primary_info: none
              - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
                entity: sensor.REPLACEME_power
                name: Power
                layout: vertical
                primary_info: none
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: horizontal-stack
                  - type: custom:mushroom-select-card
                    entity: select.REPLACEME_heated_seat_front_right_level
                    name: Drivers Seat
                    fill_container: false
                  - type: custom:mushroom-select-card
                    entity: select.REPLACEME_heated_seat_front_left_level
                    name: Passenger seat
                  - type: custom:mushroom-select-card
                    entity: select.REPLACEME_scheduled_battery_heating
                    name: Battery Heating
                    icon: mdi:battery-sync
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: vertical-stack
                  - type: entities
                      - entity: >-
                        name: Front
                      - entity: switch.REPLACEME_rear_window_defroster_heating
                        name: Rear
                    show_header_toggle: false
                    state_color: true
                  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
                    entity: counter.ev_days_since_100_soc
                    name: Days Since 100% SOC
                    layout: vertical
                    fill_container: false
                  - type: custom:mushroom-number-card
                    entity: number.REPLACEME_target_soc
                    layout: vertical
                    name: Target SOC
                    fill_container: false
              - type: horizontal-stack
                  - type: thermostat
                    entity: climate.REPLACEME_vehicle_climate
                    name: Car Aircon
                    show_current_as_primary: true
                      - type: climate-hvac-modes
                          - 'off'
                          - auto
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: custom:mushroom-lock-card
                entity: lock.REPLACEME_doors_lock
                name: Doors
              - type: custom:mushroom-lock-card
                entity: lock.REPLACEME_boot_lock
                name: Boot
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: tile
                icon: mdi:counter
                name: Odometer
                show_entity_picture: false
                vertical: false
                color: accent
                entity: sensor.mg_mileage_mi
              - type: tile
                entity: sensor.ev_mileage_monthly
                color: accent
                name: Monthly miles
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: tile
                entity: sensor.ev_mileage_daily
                color: blue-grey
                name: Daily mileage


  • car.jpg
    18.2 KB · Views: 11
What a legend, thanks will get into this shortly
Some functions you may want to delete such as heated seats etc if SE version doesn't have them.

You can just add the dashboard then amend it via the GUI. I recommend searching how to configure mushroom stacks if its your first time.
Some functions you may want to delete such as heated seats etc if SE version doesn't have them.

You can just add the dashboard then amend it via the GUI. I recommend searching how to configure mushroom stacks if its your first time.

Could i ask you one more (what i would imagine) simple qestion please.

I'm trying to schedule my aircon to come on 10 minutes before I leave the gym.

I created a schedule in helper with the right times and days - how do i link this to my air con entity?


[ Moderator: like this -> link this ]
Last edited by a moderator:
Could i ask you one more (what i would imagine) simple qestion please.

Im trying to schedule my aircon to come on 10 minutes before i leave the gym.

I created a schedule in helper with teh right times and days - how do i like this to my air con entity?

This is a slightly more complex one really. Specially depending on schedules, geolocations, trackers etc, or You'd just need an automation for when X time set X entity to a state (on)

Be advised, remote control AC will auto turn off after about 5 minutes I have found due to the car noticing you're no where near it and turning itself off. So you may need to loop this during a time frame.

The entity is linked as a climate control wheel in the dashboard. So its as simple as setting the mode to "auto".

type: thermostat
entity: climate.REPLACEME_vehicle_climate
name: Car Aircon
show_current_as_primary: true
- type: climate-hvac-modes
- 'off'

Something like below may work;

Setup a helper > schedule > set the dates /times 10 mins before you wanna go out and call it gym days

description: ""
mode: single
  - trigger: state
      - schedule.gym_days
    to: "on"
conditions: []
  - action: climate.turn_on
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
      entity_id: climate.REPLACEME_vehicle_climate
  - action: climate.set_temperature
    metadata: {}
      temperature: 25
      hvac_mode: auto
      entity_id: climate.REPLACEME_vehicle_climate
Last edited:
Thanks I know it only stays on for ten mins but that's perfect.

No geo etc just trigger at 5.40am 3 days a week
This is a slightly more complex one really. Specially depending on schedules, geolocations, trackers etc, or You'd just need an automation for when X time set X entity to a state (on)

Be advised, remote control AC will auto turn off after about 5 minutes I have found due to the car noticing you're no where near it and turning itself off. So you may need to loop this during a time frame.

The entity is linked as a climate control wheel in the dashboard. So its as simple as setting the mode to "auto".

type: thermostat
entity: climate.REPLACEME_vehicle_climate
name: Car Aircon
show_current_as_primary: true
- type: climate-hvac-modes
- 'off'

Something like below may work;

Setup a helper > schedule > set the dates /times 10 mins before you wanna go out and call it gym days

description: ""
mode: single
  - trigger: state
      - schedule.gym_days
    to: "on"
conditions: []
  - action: climate.turn_on
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
      entity_id: climate.REPLACEME_vehicle_climate
  - action: climate.set_temperature
    metadata: {}
      temperature: 25
      hvac_mode: auto
      entity_id: climate.REPLACEME_vehicle_climate

Found a real easy fix for this.

Added an automation in MQTT - that sets climate to 26 at 5.40am.

Will now just use conditions to select days (i hope)

Found a real easy fix for this.

Added an automation in MQTT - that sets climate to 26 at 5.40am.

Will now just use conditions to select days (i hope)

Did you get this running?

If you look at the HA integration there's a section on gateway refresh settings which includes "Gateway grace period after car shutdown" which is 10 minutes.
So you may need to force the car to respond before trying to send a command to turn on the heating.

My other half goes swimming in a lake every morning.
So I have a zone set up for this location.
When she enters the zone this triggers an automation which then waits for 10 minutes and then tells the car to turn on the heating with a simple "action: climate.turn_on".
Very simple but it seems to work :)
Did you get this running?

If you look at the HA integration there's a section on gateway refresh settings which includes "Gateway grace period after car shutdown" which is 10 minutes.
So you may need to force the car to respond before trying to send a command to turn on the heating.

My other half goes swimming in a lake every morning.
So I have a zone set up for this location.
When she enters the zone this triggers an automation which then waits for 10 minutes and then tells the car to turn on the heating with a simple "action: climate.turn_on".
Very simple but it seems to work :)
Sorry totally missed this. Yeah seems to work really well.

Still need to make it look pretty haha

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