Never realized that cars are that expensive in Ireland, we in Austria already have several consumption/CO2 dependent taxes added that make cars more expensive than European average, but apparently Ireland adds even more...
Back to the crash test; Reading the downloadable pdf reports, the scores do include penalties for MG not providing in time info that Euro NCAP'S finding, that are based on an average adult sized dummy are also representative for different body sizes, smth. that is usually done (and MG did in other tested models). Given the chaos with some SW features and the whole manual, giving the impression of a premature launch documentation wise I wouldn't be surprised to find out that is the reason, not that it has actually not been tested for various sizes.
Also, even the much bigger (and expensive) Hyundai Santa Fee only scored 4 stars in the same test, with 5 stars only with optional equipment. Watching the videos, the MG actually seems to have a very good body structure, especially in the pole test there is a significant difference in intrusion between the Dacia (that seems particularly soft), but also other more expensive models form the small SUV segment. The full width crash looks almost repairable.
Whilst a stiff structure isn't necessarily just positive (it does mean less energy absorbed by the car body), in a smaller car that tends to be the lighter opponent in real life crashes I will happily choose a the car with a stiffer body over a total collapse of the safety structure.
and of course, the whole crashtests, measuring and goal posts of Euro NCAP have moved a lot, and even more in the recent years, not only in terms of beeps and bongs the car has to make, but e.g. the crash i no longer 64km/h against a fixed deformable barrier, but 50 something against a deformable vehicle traveling the same speed, again making comparisons between pre 2022ish tests more and more difficult.
Altogether I'd still say that the ZS is, for it's segment, a fairly safe vehicle, with not a singled out proper weak point;