Hi all,
Just bought a 2yr old used MG 4 EV with the intention of keeping it for 3 years so i can sell on with some warranty remaining but just wondered what most peoples' plan is when they buy a EV do they plan to keep long term or keep changing ever 3 year period? Does anyone keep beyond the warranty and take out an extended on? TIA
I think EVs are a good bet for low cost long-term ownership, maintenance is low and batteries should outlast the car (regardless of type).
We bought our MG4 new, in 2022, because at that time there was much less available secondhand and most of it older EVs for a high price.
Right now, I'd consider buying secondhand 18 months old or older because prices have dropped so much. The MG5 is a great buy secondhand and the MG4 prices have also dropped a lot.
The MG5 and ZS EV have shown that relatively little goes wrong, if things are going to break they happen early on but in general MG EVs are a good reliable purchase.
The main hardware issues have been with new models, but these tend to get solved in the first two years of the car being on sale.
Software bugs are the main bug bear, but again this is most prevalent when a new model is first launched and updates do come out - it is getting them installed which can be the issue.
Our plan was always to change the car after 3-4 years (we are on a 4 year PCP) and that hasn't changed, we took delivery in March 2023 and so that means we'll be looking from late 2025 onwards.
If we needed a second car, I would definitely buy secondhand, probably a Leaf for sub £5k or a Zoe for £7k or maybe even a VW eUp if I wanted to stretch to £10k - can't see the point in a new purchase for a second car.