I see they're offering another hour tomorrow. I expect everyone with solar has figured out the catch by now, but I'll spell it out just in case anyone's new to this, with a worked example.
Here is tomorrow's weather forecast.
My panels will export a steady 4.8 kw in full sun, and on a day with a forecast like that I would expect to generate the full 4.8 kwh in that time. That's 72p in export credit. If I try this game, the first thing that will happen is that I'll lose all that export, because the house/charger will use the solar first before it draws anything from the grid. It's the laws o' physics, Cap'n. You can't import and export at the same time.
If I plug the car in for an hour it might draw 7.2 kw for the hour, if I'm extremely quick off the mark. So that's 7.2 kwh "free" that I'd otherwise have paid 7p/kwh for. That's 50.4p. So if that's all I do I've actually lost 21.6p. In order to get into profit I have to use another 3.2 kwh.
I could discharge my battery beforehand to make space for (in my case) 3.6 kwh in the hour, but what good would that do me? I'm already at my export limit from all that sunshine. I'm not going to get paid anything for what I dump from the battery to make room for "free" electricity, so that isn't going to work.
OK, put on the water heater, except it's unlikely to draw power for a full hour unless the tank was pretty cold at the beginning. Run the dishwasher, run the washing machine? Maybe, but these take more than an hour to complete a cycle, and what they take outwith the magic hour will also be robbed from the solar export. Power tools? I don't even have any. Once the car charger is running, the law of diminishing returns sets in quite quickly.
It's like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland. You have to run as fast as you can to stay in the same place, and if you want to go anywhere you have to run even faster. All that hassle to save a few pennies, if that.
It's not a coincidence that Octopus are doing this on very sunny days. They can read the forecast too. They know they'll have more solar than they know what to do with, so they're trying to get rid of it. If people who have solar export tariffs join in the party, so much the better, that's some solar they're not going to have to pay for. But if you have solar with an export tariff, think long and hard before you get into this one.
Last time I did the running around during the hour, and I made only a few pennies. The hot water tank happened to be almost cold at the time, by coincidence, so I turned on the Eddi then had a shower on the proceeds in the middle of the hour so I got as much hot water out of them as possible in the hour. That plus the car plus I vacuumed out the boot before I went for the shower put me slightly into profit, but only because the solar was reduced by a cloud coming over about half way through the magic hour. It doesn't look like that's going to happen tomorrow.
If you said to me, if you run around like a blue-arsed fly for an hour and have a shower in the middle of it all and I'll give you 10p (or whatever it was), I'd laugh in your face. Not playing that game, thank you Octopus.
If you don't have solar then you'll be in profit from the get-go. Knock yourself out. If a large black cloud decides to settle over your house at one in the afternoon tomorrow, go for it. But otherwise do some rough calculations before you leap at this "free offer".