A very good day today 03/09/2021 went to the show very enjoyable day out with my son. We saw lots of new cars and other things, on the MG stand they had a ZSEV exclusive in white, and a red MG5 exclusive standard range, only two you girls on the stand, I ask where was the long range 5 and was told that the car in front of me was the long range!. No I said it’s not,yes I was told that it was, no I said, then the other girl stepped in and said the long range was being used for test drives only but was fully booked, the test drive area was quite away away, so I didn’t go there waste off time trying to ask question about anything else as it was more than obvious they where just there for marketing and didn’t know much about the cars, also met up with podcast member Dave Bell, so had a good chat with him very nice chap, he’s there for the full weekend, just double click on the pictures to open them up.

And got a few goods from the MG girls.

So first port of call was a talk by people about Tesla which was very interesting, and there we where told that the first Model Y to be seen in the UK was on display in the Tesla stand area, so off we went once the talk was over, the talk mainly explained way Tesla are miles ahead and way they continue to keep going that way.
So Model Y pics here, was not allowed to touch it as it belonged to a man from who came from Germany so it was roped off but he was there.

Fantastic car looks much better than the Model 3,with a big big boot and a hatchback, it will sell like hot cakes I sure
Will have to end this here and start another post as I can only post 10 pictures in a thread so here ends part one.

And got a few goods from the MG girls.

So first port of call was a talk by people about Tesla which was very interesting, and there we where told that the first Model Y to be seen in the UK was on display in the Tesla stand area, so off we went once the talk was over, the talk mainly explained way Tesla are miles ahead and way they continue to keep going that way.
So Model Y pics here, was not allowed to touch it as it belonged to a man from who came from Germany so it was roped off but he was there.

Fantastic car looks much better than the Model 3,with a big big boot and a hatchback, it will sell like hot cakes I sure
Will have to end this here and start another post as I can only post 10 pictures in a thread so here ends part one.
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