Established Member
Not sure if anyone else has come across this before, but I asked my wife to put some stuff in the boot recently. I handed her the key so she could just open the boot without having to unlock the car. She put stuff in the boot and left it open so I could put the last of our stuff in. I then closed the boot thinking she still had the key...but as I walked off I noticed the boot light was still on. I went back, opened and shut the boot, and noticed it didn't want to shut properly. Thought something was catching it or stopping it closing right...turned out that my wife had put the keys in with the rest of her items. Turns out, there's a sensor to stop you locking your keys in the boot!
Not sure if it only works if only the boot was opened rather than the whole car, but nice to know it's got a safety to stop you being a complete tube!
Not sure if it only works if only the boot was opened rather than the whole car, but nice to know it's got a safety to stop you being a complete tube!