how would you order yours?

thanks, sadly I think you're probably right in your comments, I'm going to place an order today and see what happens. by the way who is your dealer? 20 seems a lot compared to the dealers I have spoken to this morning, they have mentioned 7, 9 etc - I would love to order through your dealer unless they are in lands end :)
My dealer is a small dealer in Braintree, Essex (not sure if we're allowed to name dealers?). I wasn't saying that they were getting 20 in September, I was just speculating that I might be ok if they do! If, as is more likely to be the case judging by people's comments here, they are only getting say a max of 5, then I may be in for a wait.
I rang sheffield, Barnsley, leeds and hull and they all said it would be a couple of weeks before they get a showroom model
I'm going to order one anyway...
I ordered from Chorley group as they seemed to get more cars than some dealers.
Then I tried the dealer near work where I had my ZS ordered. He offered me the 'spare' MG4 as he was getting 3 in total (one for demo, one for showrooms and one to sell)
So I'll be cancelling the ZS TC LR in white or the MG4 in Orange whichever comes first.
I'll bring it round when I get it as I'm not too far from you.
I've done what you suggested, doesn't matter if they use your data you're not doing anything wrong, and who said someone can't buy more than one car. I've been open with the dealers except for one who hasn't even bothered contacting me at all since my deposit, so I'll let that deposit ride until I know my car is with one of the others
I'd be careful. Dealers make any meaningful reservations on a central MG IT system where they register your name, address and DOB. I'd be amazed if they do nothing with this data.

There's two definite sets of stock - September and December. Only take one that gives you a definite date from these.
Doesn't matter if they do, you're not doing anything wrong
I was wondering, should I place an order for an mg4 with two or three MG dealers, and take whichever gets me one the fastest?

I would be prepared to put down (refundable) deposits on each, but wondered if there are problems with me doing this that I haven't considered?

I'll be selling my car this week, and would be wanting the mg4 ideally before Christmas, I (think) I can manage to drive my wife's i10 for a few weeks at least...
Go for it I say your only here once
well for now I have ordered one through one dealer. I am hoping that things might become a little clearer maybe next week, and that demonstrators and showroom cars, as well as launch events might be happening. I'll see how quick the dealership I have ordered through sets up and gets in touch, and take it from there...
I am certainly very interested in getting an MG4 LR in red if possible but will need the car by early Dec as my current car ID4 may be going back by then (Motability car) and don't want to be without a car and the 4 looks like a great option.

Do you think the demonstrators will be with dealers in the next week so I can at least sit in one to see how easy it is to get in/out as my current car is a bit larger. I did try an ID3 before getting my ID4 and it was just about ok and understand the MG4 is pretty much a direct equivalent.

I would be a cash buyer rather than PCP unless there was any saving to be had by going PCP then paying off loan almost straight away.
Hi all. I'm looking for a SE Long Range in White.

I've spent a considerable time ringing around dealers all around the country. Here's what I was told, accurate to end of last week. Hopefully this helps a few people :)

  • Two batches are arriving at dealers this year. Around 5000 cars, according to one dealer.
  • One batch should be here by end of Sept. Second is due Oct/Nov time.
  • Dealers know what's in their first batch. Most have sold all these.
  • Dealers don't know what's in their second batch yet.
  • Probably mostly SE short range and Trophys this year. First batch was SE SR and Trophy.
  • I've heard allocation this year from MG is 45% SE SR, 45% Trophy, 10% SE LR
  • First two cars they get have to be kept (1 demo, 1 showroom)
  • They think factory orders will be delivered Dec/Jan, but no commitment from MG manufacture on this.
  • Most dealers I spoke to weren't willing to place a factory order and then allocate me one from their second batch, if they got one. So you have to decide: either risk it and hedge your bets at a few dealers, or place a factory order, potentially wait longer and miss the second batch.
  • There were a few dealers with SE SR and Trophys available from their first batch.

David Street, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Bridgend, Glamorgan, CF31 3SA
01656 838579
  • Really helpful
  • Should get a car by end of year
  • Deposit: £100 refundable
  • I've put a deposit down here

171-173 Cumnor Hill, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 9PL
01865 988805
  • Really helpful
  • Refundable £100
  • Have placed factory order
  • Will know second batch allocation in mid October
  • Have said they will allocate from second batch, if it matched my spec.

01934 410990
  • First batch already sold
  • £1000 deposit to order the car
  • No expectation to get them in second batch either
  • Factory order: Jan-Mar

Pinchington Lane, The Triangle, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HT
01635 598771
  • Might have one in the second batch
  • £500 deposit (refundable)
  • 30 weeks wait time
  • Factory order after this.

Clarks of Kidderminster
01562 862822
  • £500 deposit. Sort of refundable.
  • Allocation from second batch.
  • Otherwise Dec - Jan.

01594 540650
  • Placing factory orders,
  • expecting 5 more in October.
  • 12 weeks lead time on factory order.
  • Deposit: £99 fully refundable deposit.

02920 020225
  • November - Jan
  • £100 refundable deposit
  • Test drive 26th Sept
  • Another batch coming in by the end of the year. Around Oct/Nov.

MG Bath
01225 473015
All we can do is order you one. 5 cars arriving in Oct/Nov.

01225 753103
  • We can place orders, but we won’t see a vehicle until Nov.
  • Sold first batch. Selling from Nov. Fresh order in Dec. Should be able to get a month’s notice.
  • Non-refundable
  • Test drive End of next week (16th)

01454 294213
  • Demonstrator in two weeks.
  • Orders about two months behind that - November. Fresh order for estimated Nov - but no confirmed dates.
  • Deposit: £500, not refundable.

01453 763100
  • Demonstrator this month.
  • Factory order lead time, by the end of the year.
  • 8 months lead time - MG thing.
  • Will look to allocate second batch, Oct/Nov. Only a handful.

01633 482253
- 5 units allocation

Merthyr Tydfil
Pentrebach Road, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, CF48 1YB
01685 897547
  • 12-16 weeks
  • Deposit: £250 refundable

Unit 3, Priorswood Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 8DN
01823 475740
  • £500 subject to test drive
  • Factory 12-16 weeks

Central Garage Galashiels
Island Street, Galashiels, Selkirkshire, TD1 1NU
01896 888655
- Have some SE Long range coming in. How do they know this?

Park's MG Irvine
Corsehill Mount Road, Newmoor Roundabout, , Irvine, KA11 4JZ
01294 691354
5 end - Oct Nov, into next year Jan

McMillan Motors
26-30 Brougham Street, Greenock, Inverclyde, PA16 8AF
01475 778962
- Left voicemail, didn't return call.

Arnold Clark MG Linwood
Phoenix Retail Park, Linwood Road, Paisley, Renfrewshire, PA1 2AB
01413 195737
  • SE long range, March April factory order
  • SE and Trophy this year - second batch
  • Deposit: £99 deposit
  • Name against model
  • Have White Trophy this year.

Frasers Falkirk
Frasers of Falkirk, Glasgow Road, Camelon, Falkirk, FK1 4JQ
01324 804653
  • end of Sept
  • SE standard range
  • Second batch allocation 10

Dicksons of Inverness
28/34 Carsegate Road, Telford Retail Park, Inverness, Inverness and Nairn, IV3 8EX
01463 896828
- Factory order for March next

Gillanders MG Peterhead
Blackhouse Circle, Blackhouse Industrial Estate, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 1BN
01779 867304
- Will call me Monday to tell stock

Park's MG Brechin
61 Clerk Street, Brechin, Angus, DD9 6AY
01356 228173
  • All dealers getting training on 21st
  • Grey SE
  • Trophy long range already sold

Macklin Motors MG Edinburgh West
Lonehead Drive, Newbridge, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH28 8TH
01315 162938
- Factory order best, but will get given one from show room if it comes in sooner - Jan

James Haugh MG
2 St Mary's Street, Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, DG1 1HD
01387 800690
- order from stock

Lancaster MG
Northgate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe, Lancashire, LA3 3PA
01524 928061
No answer

Chapelhouse MG St Helens
Canal Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA10 3JG
01744 778101
Phone line not working

Perrys MG Huddersfield
Northgate, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 6AP
01484 819664
No answer
A pretty mixed outcome, thanks for your diligent work.

It's a bit concerning though that some are asking for a non returnable deposit though. You would expect them to all be singing from the same hymn sheet.
That's some difference in deposit and some non refundable.
I suppose someone had to do the leg work but you didn't contact the Richmond group down south ?
  • Most dealers I spoke to weren't willing to place a factory order and then allocate me one from their second batch, if they got one. So you have to decide: either risk it and hedge your bets at a few dealers, or place a factory order, potentially wait longer and miss the second batch
Great detective work, well done! Very differing replies you got.

I'm not sure I fully understand your comment above re factory order versus first/second batch. I put my refundable £99 order in with my dealer, and received an order acknowledgment with an order number. The dealer has said that they don't yet know the mix of their first batch, the orders that they have received are logged in date order. As and when the batches arrive their plan is to go down the list and allocate the cars. So I have an official 10 digit order number, but as far as I know I have a (possibly slim due to large order numbers) chance of getting a car in the first 2 batches.
I called my local dealer today and he told me they are getting their initial order of 5 cars 22/23rd Sept. They have 2 for themselves 1 for showroom +1 for test drives. The other cars are already sold, but more on the way in Oct but they don't know how many yet.

He took my name/number and said he would be in touch next week when the cars arrive and I can come in and test a car. I said I would be looking to put an order in if I liked it and would be wanting a delivery this year if possible.
Great detective work, well done! Very differing replies you got.

I'm not sure I fully understand your comment above re factory order versus first/second batch. I put my refundable £99 order in with my dealer, and received an order acknowledgment with an order number. The dealer has said that they don't yet know the mix of their first batch, the orders that they have received are logged in date order. As and when the batches arrive their plan is to go down the list and allocate the cars. So I have an official 10 digit order number, but as far as I know I have a (possibly slim due to large order numbers) chance of getting a car in the first 2 batches.
This is exactly what I’ve done. So your dealer has placed a factory order for you, but has offered to allocate you an order from the stock they might get in their batches.
If they end up allocating you one from a batch, they’ll still need to pay MG for the factory order, but some of the dealers I spoke to didn’t mind this, as they knew they’d sell it regardless.
I agree can't see any overstocks on these models for quite a while, 12 months at least. So no dealer is taking any chances by ordering for stock IMV.
Hi all. I'm looking for a SE Long Range in White.

I've spent a considerable time ringing around dealers all around the country. Here's what I was told, accurate to end of last week. Hopefully this helps a few people :)

  • Two batches are arriving at dealers this year. Around 5000 cars, according to one dealer.
  • One batch should be here by end of Sept. Second is due Oct/Nov time.
  • Dealers know what's in their first batch. Most have sold all these.
  • Dealers don't know what's in their second batch yet.
  • Probably mostly SE short range and Trophys this year. First batch was SE SR and Trophy.
  • I've heard allocation this year from MG is 45% SE SR, 45% Trophy, 10% SE LR
  • First two cars they get have to be kept (1 demo, 1 showroom)
  • They think factory orders will be delivered Dec/Jan, but no commitment from MG manufacture on this.
  • Most dealers I spoke to weren't willing to place a factory order and then allocate me one from their second batch, if they got one. So you have to decide: either risk it and hedge your bets at a few dealers, or place a factory order, potentially wait longer and miss the second batch.
  • There were a few dealers with SE SR and Trophys available from their first batch.

David Street, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Bridgend, Glamorgan, CF31 3SA
01656 838579
  • Really helpful
  • Should get a car by end of year
  • Deposit: £100 refundable
  • I've put a deposit down here

171-173 Cumnor Hill, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 9PL
01865 988805
  • Really helpful
  • Refundable £100
  • Have placed factory order
  • Will know second batch allocation in mid October
  • Have said they will allocate from second batch, if it matched my spec.

01934 410990
  • First batch already sold
  • £1000 deposit to order the car
  • No expectation to get them in second batch either
  • Factory order: Jan-Mar

Pinchington Lane, The Triangle, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HT
01635 598771
  • Might have one in the second batch
  • £500 deposit (refundable)
  • 30 weeks wait time
  • Factory order after this.

Clarks of Kidderminster
01562 862822
  • £500 deposit. Sort of refundable.
  • Allocation from second batch.
  • Otherwise Dec - Jan.

01594 540650
  • Placing factory orders,
  • expecting 5 more in October.
  • 12 weeks lead time on factory order.
  • Deposit: £99 fully refundable deposit.

02920 020225
  • November - Jan
  • £100 refundable deposit
  • Test drive 26th Sept
  • Another batch coming in by the end of the year. Around Oct/Nov.

MG Bath
01225 473015
All we can do is order you one. 5 cars arriving in Oct/Nov.

01225 753103
  • We can place orders, but we won’t see a vehicle until Nov.
  • Sold first batch. Selling from Nov. Fresh order in Dec. Should be able to get a month’s notice.
  • Non-refundable
  • Test drive End of next week (16th)

01454 294213
  • Demonstrator in two weeks.
  • Orders about two months behind that - November. Fresh order for estimated Nov - but no confirmed dates.
  • Deposit: £500, not refundable.

01453 763100
  • Demonstrator this month.
  • Factory order lead time, by the end of the year.
  • 8 months lead time - MG thing.
  • Will look to allocate second batch, Oct/Nov. Only a handful.

01633 482253
- 5 units allocation

Merthyr Tydfil
Pentrebach Road, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, CF48 1YB
01685 897547
  • 12-16 weeks
  • Deposit: £250 refundable

Unit 3, Priorswood Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 8DN
01823 475740
  • £500 subject to test drive
  • Factory 12-16 weeks

Central Garage Galashiels
Island Street, Galashiels, Selkirkshire, TD1 1NU
01896 888655
- Have some SE Long range coming in. How do they know this?

Park's MG Irvine
Corsehill Mount Road, Newmoor Roundabout, , Irvine, KA11 4JZ
01294 691354
5 end - Oct Nov, into next year Jan

McMillan Motors
26-30 Brougham Street, Greenock, Inverclyde, PA16 8AF
01475 778962
- Left voicemail, didn't return call.

Arnold Clark MG Linwood
Phoenix Retail Park, Linwood Road, Paisley, Renfrewshire, PA1 2AB
01413 195737
  • SE long range, March April factory order
  • SE and Trophy this year - second batch
  • Deposit: £99 deposit
  • Name against model
  • Have White Trophy this year.

Frasers Falkirk
Frasers of Falkirk, Glasgow Road, Camelon, Falkirk, FK1 4JQ
01324 804653
  • end of Sept
  • SE standard range
  • Second batch allocation 10

Dicksons of Inverness
28/34 Carsegate Road, Telford Retail Park, Inverness, Inverness and Nairn, IV3 8EX
01463 896828
- Factory order for March next

Gillanders MG Peterhead
Blackhouse Circle, Blackhouse Industrial Estate, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 1BN
01779 867304
- Will call me Monday to tell stock

Park's MG Brechin
61 Clerk Street, Brechin, Angus, DD9 6AY
01356 228173
  • All dealers getting training on 21st
  • Grey SE
  • Trophy long range already sold

Macklin Motors MG Edinburgh West
Lonehead Drive, Newbridge, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH28 8TH
01315 162938
- Factory order best, but will get given one from show room if it comes in sooner - Jan

James Haugh MG
2 St Mary's Street, Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, DG1 1HD
01387 800690
- order from stock

Lancaster MG
Northgate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe, Lancashire, LA3 3PA
01524 928061
No answer

Chapelhouse MG St Helens
Canal Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA10 3JG
01744 778101
Phone line not working

Perrys MG Huddersfield
Northgate, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 6AP
01484 819664
No answer
wow! A* for effort many thanks for the info! I suppose its a case of patience and luck ...
You're causing yourself and the dealer a lot of work as you'll be cancelling most of your orders.

Depending on the version you want, if you're flexible on colour then it should be possible to get a September car.
I wasn't given the option to be 'flexible on colour' as the allocations on pre-orders are for customer requests. No stock to be ordered. No doubt will change once production and availability ramp up
wow! A* for effort many thanks for the info! I suppose its a case of patience and luck ...
Blimey! Desperate to get one! My car wasn't in the first allocation but 'likely' to be in next. I've asked dealer to be more accurate and also provide an order number. MG Europe say the dealers should have the information regarding what's on the incoming ships, but it seems mine at least won't share it if they do know

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