Standard Member
I posted a couple of weeks ago about the fact that I had suddenly stopped being able to use Intelligent Octopus Go as connection had been lost and it wouldn't reconnect. To try to sort it out, I would ring Octopus who would be utterly charming and tell me they were escalating it but nothing seemed to happen. After a week, I rang myenergi just in case it was a Zappi problem and they were able to say within seconds that octopus had turned off the third party integration and had stopped sending signals to the Zappi. I rang back Octopus and they were a little bit patronising : 'its not just a case of flicking the switch back on....' . However, I then went on holiday for just over a week and when I came back it was all working ! I wasn't impressed with Octopus and their ability to keep me informed about what was happening. But hey ho.
Today's dilemma - when you have a 2 hour slot of free electricity, do you use it to put some charge in the car? Or do you take the view that constant partial charging just wears out the Zappi more quickly ? I'm thinking more of the actual parts rather than electricity side of things but would be interested to hear what people with more knowledge think!
Today's dilemma - when you have a 2 hour slot of free electricity, do you use it to put some charge in the car? Or do you take the view that constant partial charging just wears out the Zappi more quickly ? I'm thinking more of the actual parts rather than electricity side of things but would be interested to hear what people with more knowledge think!