So I found these two products online and I just wanted to ask if anyone has experience with these.
Bose Tweeters: Saic Bose Tweeter for MG
Plug and Play Trunk Subwoofer (That fits absolutly perfect)
If this works as easy as its seems to me than that would be a great upgrade that doesn‘t require a lot of rewiring and other adjustments. Shure, you pay a premium for the sub but the perfect fit and ease of installation would be worth it for some people I think.
Bose Tweeters: Saic Bose Tweeter for MG
Plug and Play Trunk Subwoofer (That fits absolutly perfect)

MG4 Electric Soundsysteme
Der MG4 ist wirklich ein sehr solides und sehr einfach konstruiertes Auto. Der Einbau ist wirklich easy und mit relativ wenig Schraubererfahrung zu schaffen. Die DSP Endstufe wird vorprogrammiert geliefert. Der Anschluss ist komplett plug & play. Es wir nichts gezwickt, gecrimpt, umgepinnt oder...

If this works as easy as its seems to me than that would be a great upgrade that doesn‘t require a lot of rewiring and other adjustments. Shure, you pay a premium for the sub but the perfect fit and ease of installation would be worth it for some people I think.