I have a slightly different take on this. I live in Thailand, bought my MG4 Model X (Trophy equivalent) 13 months ago and love driving it every time I get on the road, despite having driven most BEVs available here and owning a BYD Dolphin as a second car. The MG cost 869,000 THB (about £19k depending on what day it is) and, as with most EVs that included a "Promotional Package" of a year's insurance, roadside assistance, servicing etc. I've no intention of selling it and as one who's been into computers and photography for 50 years or more, I'm long resigned to seeing last week's/month's/year's cutting edge Must Have quickly eclipsed by developing technology and market trends.
All that said, I was surprised and not a little disappointed today to see MG showing the exact same car as mine in a shopping centre at 689,000 THB - just north of 20% less than a year ago which undermines its value not only for owners like me who have had a decent period of use out of it, but a significant number of customers with cars not yet out of warranty. Were I amongst them, I'd feel cheated; as it is I'll keep enjoying mine.