My Christmas present arrived late; a Rigol DHO802 oscilloscope. 12-bit, huge screen, lots of features. Thanks, Santa!
It's only the bottom of the range (only 2-channel and only 60β―MHz bandwidth), but for my purposes it will be perfect. It replaces an old Tektronics discarded from a local University, 30 years old, and the screen developed a large yellow blob where the pixels are reversed so the screen is almost unreadable, and channel one's BNC socket was loose. The knobs were starting to crumble with age.
That's only two scopes from my original, made myself when a teenager, featuring a disposals 5BP1 CRO tube (those things were long and insensitive!). Originally with valves, I updated it to use transistors a few years later. It was so big that I put it into a stand with wheels. The Rigol is the size of a smallish tablet; it's so cute.
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