I have not found it necessary to remove the trim on our Gen2 model ( yet ) so I can not offer you any help on this subject sorry

It was pretty straight forward on the Gen1 model, if I remember correctly ?.
I seem to remember removing the interior light assembly first, then this made it easy to see the clips that held in the sky roof surround panel in place.
I used the car for a couple of days with the whole panel completely removed, just ensure I was barking up the right tree regarding the rattle problem.
Yeah - 100% sure the rattle had gone, so I set about cutting and installing thin strips of the silent felt tape around the contact points of each assembly.
I reinstalled the sky roof surround into the car first, then used it for a couple of days - no rattle.
Then finally, I reinstalled the interior light assembly and tested again, no more rattles.
Strangle enough, I have not had the speaker rattles in this model either ?.
But the "Clicking / Ticking" noise from the wind screen has carried over from the Gen1 model.
Last week, I noticed that when we travel around a tight small round about, the passengers seat has developed a "creaking" sound from under the seat cushion.
When it is occupied by a passenger of course.
If I place my hand in the centre of the seat and push down hard, I can reproduce the creak.
This will require removal of the seat and investigate the problem, when the weather improves.