Funny that, had four new Skoda's and wife one 7year old one, all from what is now Richmond, never had a problem that necessitated a repair or fix!
I'm happy for you, really. I know how great it is to have hassle-free motoring. Personally, I've only ever owned one Skoda, and that for only 40,000 miles, because of:-
A randomly sticking clutch pedal so sometimes it took ages to change gear ("Yeah, well, mate, we know what that is - it's a fault, innit?"). All 4 brake drums rusted right through after less than 13,000 miles, and it needed 3 complete sets of tyres in 40,000 miles plus 2 sets of brake shoes in 40,000 miles (on top of the failed drums). Not to mention the damned thing randomly stalling in 2nd gear both at rest and at speed, which nearly killed me once ("No idea what that is mate...."). Also, all 4 door seals failed so, incredibly, you couldn't use it or leave it out in the rain without it getting wet
inside. Only one daytime running light was ever working at any one time (but randomly, so you never knew which one would light up). The interior lights packed up, the cig lighter failed, and the brake pedal creaked loudly from new EVERY time it was depressed ("It'll cost yer £120 for us just to look at it and we might not be able to fix it, mate"), etc.
On top of all that there was the exhaust emissions fraud system that VW built into all their cars to prove their green credentials (no, it's not a bug, it's a feature) followed by endless smug emails from VW boasting that they would fix their inbuilt fraud device for free, so wasn't I a really, really lucky customer. All topped off by having to deal with Arnold Clark ("we waste time, so you don't have to").
As you might imagine, it's tended to bias my views on Skoda cars a tad...