Well here’s my opinion not in any vehicle should anything that might affect the actions of that vehicle on the road default to On.
You are the driver and you should decide what is right or wrong for your journey, when a vehicle brakes suddenly and unexpectedly that might, cause an accident in some circumstances.
Or the steering on the vehicle decides it is going to turn the vehicle left or right and might run you into an oncoming vehicle or a lamp post, it will be you the driver that will be standing in the dock or by the grave side, not the software that might have cause it and not the person who designed it.
Not the NCAP people who demanded it. To

some box.
No it’s you.
The driver should have total control of the vehicle they are driving at all times from the start to the Finnish of there journey and it is the driver only that is responsible for the action of the vehicle they are driving.
DEFAULTS don’t count.