Novice Member
I have encountered problems in not being able to rapid-charge my car. I use two different rapid-charging stands at the location I always visit depending on which stand is not being used. This time it kept failing to charge, although I have used them both in the past with no problems. I tried both stands, both failed to charge. I took the car home and tried with the standard supplied home charger to my wall socket and it worked/charged fine (took all night mind you),,,but I been wondering what was the cause of failure at the rapid charge station. One thing that struck me as I was investigating at home, looking carefully and close-up at the input/receiving plug on the front of the car I noticed the first two plug holes at the top had metal silver pins protruding outwards inside each, the one on the left as you look at it, the silver pin on the left was long so to speak, whereas next to it, that pin was withdrawn/inverted so did not extend as far outwards. It was just a thought I had , and that was maybe the pin on the right side had somehow got pushed back, hence making the rapid charge cable coupling/connection incomplete. Now that is just a thought I had - but why I am posting this is to ask if anyone else can look at the top two holes in the receiving plug in your car and check if the right pin inside is somewhat withdrawn at the back of the entry hole as compared to the one on the left which on mine is extended. Thanks in advance to anyone who can check this out.