Standard Member
I have a warning of a fault with the TPMS on one wheel. Instead of pressure being shown as a number in white there are orange dashes. Has anyone had this and worked out how to fix this?
I have a warning of a fault with the TPMS on one wheel. Instead of pressure being shown as a number in white there are orange dashes. Has anyone had this and worked out how to fix this?
Is there a description of the negative battery terminal disconnect procedure/process somewhere I can follow. I can follow instructions, but I do need even the simplest 'mechanical maintenance' things spelled out to me in big letters, simple diagrams, and words of few syllables. And none of the 'assembly is the reverse of disassembly' (Haynes©), please.
As it is, I have a problem with the 12V battery system, as the car continually complains about low charge on the 12V battery, and while the voltage shown on the console display varies, the charge state does not, even when the 12V battery has been charged by an (external) 12V battery charger to 100%. It is another thing that requires diagnosis and rectification by the dealer.