#Vehicle2Load #V2L #update When your wife asks you to empty the washing machine and put the wet washing in to the tumble dryer during the day (I’m working at home) my first thought is about cost as we have a 2030-0130am cheaper octopus go faster tariff when we normally put white goods appliances on. As a tight Yorkshireman I thought to myself do I try my V2L and plug in my 2.2kW tumble dryer to the MG to gain access to the 5.5p pKw electrons I had already topped up with so I did

I WAS REALLY DOING THIS AS AN EXPERIMENT TO HELP EVERYONE IN THE GROUP ? Anyway, I started with 66% SoC / 167 mile range and when the dryer finished 75 minutes later the battery was at 63% / 163 miles and the clothes were dry ? It’s definitely handy to have a 70kWh battery bank on your drive ? I now wait for all the silly comments ha…