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纯电后驱/零百进4秒 试驾MG MULAN_视频_汽车之家
gives a good overview of the car
Be careful clicking on that link, it tries to get you to download and open a file.纯电后驱/零百进4秒 试驾MG MULAN_视频_汽车之家
gives a good overview of the car
It does but then tries to download and install an add on to my android phoneIt’s should just open a browser window as its a online video
Be interesting to see what room is under the boot floor.
Same here on my IPhone 12.It does but then tries to download and install an add on to my android phone
I didn't have any issue on Mac or iPhone eithersorry if you guys are getting some kinda auto download on this link it was fine on my mac and iphone 11 pro??? but this link might be better as opens in browser ( not videoplayer) the video is a after the first pic
汽车之家|纯电后驱“小钢炮” 试驾上汽MG MULAN|汽车|原创|MG MULAN|汽车报价|汽车评测|汽车试驾|买车网
Thanks for the video Eric, but do know what I have had to drive through much deeper than that in my MG5 without a problem last winter.another vedio of MG mulan, it was a test for crossing 20 cm deep water, then the driver gave up the test of crossing 40cm deep water
青海湖新能源汽车挑战赛, 视频播放量 7400、弹幕量 5、点赞数 49、投硬币枚数 8、收藏人数 7、转发人数 9, 视频作者 怪兽玩车TV, 作者简介 道路穿梭,怪兽玩车,相关视频:极狐阿尔法涉水测试!40cm毫无压力!非常自信,比亚迪海豚涉水测试!为何不敢挑战40CM!!!,这名爵太好看了吧,陆 地 巡 洋 舰,低配11万起,英伦风情还很运动!名爵MG7算二线B级车吗?,10.39万起,名爵能打得过吉利比亚迪吗?【MG...www.bilibili.com
Personally I prefer the dark interior I think the two tone lighter is a bit showoff boy racer wannabe type thing... but its all personal preference. Unfortunately its all we have to look at until someone in the UK does a decent video.Do know what AdamMGEV seen quite a few of these videos now from China and its beginning to get me down because in China the cars are fitted with a very smart looking light or two tone interior and all we are getting in the UK is dowdy black same on the new MG5 also the light interior as we have seen in China and Europe is not coming to the UK.