The only potential "bad" thing about making it possible to unbind the car in the menu, is if the car is stolen.Correct me if I am wrong here, but I thought you could unbind a phone in the head unit of the car ???.
I know @Miles Roberts CG has managed to get one stubborn ZS EV unbind done, by MG at their end of things.
Did you get this sorted if so how?Hi my problem is a bit different, I have just purchased the car and can’t unbind the car because someone else set it up on there phone ! Mg and the dealers don’t seam to take it seriously that who ever has binded my car can not only find it but unlock it plus other things . If my insurance knew this they would have kittens ! This is a major security issue that mg has to address
In the app go to settings, my profile, about, then delete account.Hi
I’m a Ev and a MG newbie.
Have been delighted with my ZS EV LR Trophy (delivered a month ago) but a few days ago after a full granny charge the ISMART app froze. I left it a couple of days (thinking possible server issue) but still the same this morning. Have deleted the app and reinstalled it - now the car thinks it’s connected to the phone (not sure what the app thinks - but it is not recognising the car). I cannot find an unbind button in the app to try to get communication between the two restarted. In a bit of a pickle here - any ideas how to reconnect?
I had the same problem. I was trying inputting my phone number, or trying email repeatedly. Then after some google searching found a really easy solution. "Turn off wifi and connect to the MG app via 4G".Hi,
I am unable to register for an account with MG ismart using my UK mobile number. Is there a problem is that ?
Email registration isn't working either.
Kind Regards
In similar situations I always seek advice from my granddaughter, who, at eleven, thinks she knows everything ?Registered no problem at all but I can’t get the QR code scan thing to work…. I hate technology ? any indications of a simple fix or if I’m doing something stupidly wrong?
The wife is much younger than me and usually sorts these things out straight away but she can’t get it to work either. The phone just has the blue bar going up and down constantly on her iPhone and doesn’t register the QR code.In similar situations I always seek advice from my granddaughter, who, at eleven, thinks she knows everything ?![]()
The annoying thing is that she’s usually spot on ?.
Great news !Hi all. I managed to get this working on my new MG Z Trophy 2022z. It’s an ex demo so was already bonded to one of the sales guys so I couldn’t bind my phone . A quick phone call to dealer and he unbinded and it worked my end/. It’s really a good app if you can get it to work. My issue is now both my wife and I drive the car but don’t think you can have 2 users of the app. Is this right?