Thank you
@Harry 17 for your very kind comments and I am glad you think there is SOME useful / helpful items included in my posts

There are some very knowledgable members on this forum, of which I do not include myself.
Back story:- I became an almost overnight EV convert after driving, then buying a VW PHEV Golf back in 2015.
Bitten then by the EV bug, I knew my next car would have be a full BEV.
Enter the ZS EV ( Gen1 ) in 2019 and soon finding this forum of course .
For the first time ever in my life, I found myself ordered a car almost totally blind !.
I had never driven a full BEV before or even driven MG ZS fossil before.
Deciding to completely avoided this temptation altogether, as I did not want my opinions of the car to be tainted by driving the ICE model.
The power plant of any car can "Make Or Break" that car on a test drive.
EV driving ( for me anyway ) has become totally addictive and a very hard habit I do NOT want any help curing, thank you ?.
I have always had a "first love" relationship in the motor trade, after serving my time many many moons ago.
In March of this year, we where lucky enough to be able to upgraded to the ZS EV ( Gen 2 ).
We have already covered over 6,000 miles already, not bad for a couple of OAP's.
Any spare time, I like to be either driving our EV or trying to expand my knowledge of EV's.
My late farther use to say :- "You are never to old to learn" which is 100% correct of course, but it just takes a bit longer to absorb the knowledge these days ? .
Helping others and sharing any small amount of your knowledge costs absolutely nothing, other than a bit of time and some kind words.
I see new adopters asking the very same questions I had back in 2015.
But there was less EV people around to answer the questions back then.
Unfortunately when the ZS EV was first released, the knowledge base from some dealers was extremely poor, to say the very least.
This forum was set up by Stuart and Miles and was and still is, a real life line !.
The Monday night pod casts, was where members could extend their knowledge base and also get answers to the questions, that some dealers simply did not have.
For this reason alone, we should all be very grateful.
When replying for the call of help, treat each member with respect.
If you can't say nothing nice, then say nothing at all ? that is the way I was brought up as a child.
Remember, there is no "Daft Question" - only the one that does not get asked !.
Take care folks ?.