I do take your valid point. However, It can be monotonous having to write out in full on all posts though.SOC, GOM, LR, HVAC, PICG, ABRP
All appeared in one set of articles.
What chance of a novice understanding this lingo
My o f’s brain hurtsI do take your valid point. However, It can be monotonous having to write out in full on all posts though.
That’s the issue with a forum - it may have been written in full in earlier posts or explained elsewhere. Familiarity does help, but it can be a little bewildering just like working in IT!
soc - state of charge
gom - guessometer
lr - long range
hvac - heating ventilation air con
Picg - plug in car grant
abrp - a better route planner
And quickly followed by :-I do take your valid point. However, It can be monotonous having to write out in full on all posts though.
That’s the issue with a forum - it may have been written in full in earlier posts or explained elsewhere. Familiarity does help, but it can be a little bewildering just like working in IT!
soc - state of charge
gom - guessometer
lr - long range
hvac - heating ventilation air con
Picg - plug in car grant
abrp - a better route planner
And by other very educated people ( unlike me ) who do !.Acronyms are used by many to try to kid others into thinking that they know what they are talking about! IMHO…
It’s the same in main walks of life today !.When I joined my company (26 years ago) the first morning I went to the business unit director's weekly meeting. He spoke for about 30 minutes then asked for questions ... I put my hand up and asked "What did you actually just tell us?" ? (His talk was full of acronyms). His reply was "Don't worry - give it a few weeks and you'll understand". ?
It's the same with cultural references and the "kids" give you a blank stare.It’s the same in main walks of life today !.
All across the world.
My 10 year old granddaughter speaks a street language I can’t understand ?.
When I ask what a word means, she tells me to get with it Grandad ?.
Get with what ???? .
Sign of growing old when you are not “down with kids” anymore ?.
I’m cool with all that.It's the same with cultural references and the "kids" give you a blank stare.
A friend of mine was lecturing at a local college and Apollo 13 came up in the conversation. They didn't realise it was a true event or that some of us are old enough to remember it happening![]()
I think I like the sound of time immoral, perhaps it will make a comeback.I have a feeling that this has gone on since time immoral, sorry, immemorial - oh I don't know tho'?
TIME IMMEMORIAL Definition & Legal Meaning: Period way back in time where there is no recollection or record to prove a custom, right or claim. In UK a statute of the year 1275 saying that time before King Richard I reign or 1189 was declared to be time immemorial.One lives in hope! No, but I'm willing to be informed ?
Interesting- I don’t remember then ?TIME IMMEMORIAL Definition & Legal Meaning: Period way back in time where there is no recollection or record to prove a custom, right or claim. In UK a statute of the year 1275 saying that time before King Richard I reign or 1189 was declared to be time immemorial.
10 points to @Ian KeyTIME IMMEMORIAL Definition & Legal Meaning: Period way back in time where there is no recollection or record to prove a custom, right or claim. In UK a statute of the year 1275 saying that time before King Richard I reign or 1189 was declared to be time immemorial.