Copy again from the other thread
[IMG alt="Les burrows"][/IMG]
Premium Member
So after my first post here #6 last Friday today I have done the return motorway journey with my MG5 Trophy so this trip it was quite a bit colder average around 6-8 degrees the whole journey so well down on last weeks 15 or so.
Well I thought I would keep my speed down to round 60 mph to see if I could get over
4mpkh so set off around 12:15 8 degrees in Amersham Buckinghamshire started at 97% 251 miles

6/7 miles a on A355 to pick up M40 north bound ACC set on 60mph heater on and off 20 degrees mid fan speed to clear windows also seats on from time to time so at 15:04 got to Hilton park services on the M6 with about 123 miles done but with still around 80 to do so now have 40% 84 miles in the tank.

so i decided I would have a quick top up which I did put 10% in around 15kw which took me to 116 miles at 50% ok that will get us home no point in putting more in at 69ppkw was on a 50kw Gridserve unit and the car pulled 48kws not bad at all, so we set off again still with ACC on 60 eco mode regen 1 and arrived home at 17.28 traffic was quite heavy from around Keele services to home around 42 miles so couldn’t keep to the 60mph in fact was down to 20/30 around Warrington area impossible to keep to 60
So arrived home with 13% 27miles left

So drove slower than going but got less then going see #6 Weather was colder but I had much less weight in the car coming home so 3.6 mpkh is for me disappointing my first MG5 exclusive SR with a 50 kw battery did this very same journey under very similar conditions and temperatures many many times and never did any less than 4.3 winter and 4.6 summer I wonder how this car will do in the summer we will see bear in mind this is motorway driving for around 190 miles both here and in #6
Just a short addition to the above on Saturday went to my sons house in SE London and the the 02 arena, and when I arrive at my lads house I had 38% around 95miles but in the next picture look at the miles 4.3mpkw that was driving from Amersham in London traffic.

So I plug in and fully charge again to 100% and at that the GOM says we now have 266 !!! miles available at 100%.

So very late on Saturday night I drive back to Amersham via the A12 & M11 plus M25 in total around 67 miles at an average speed of around 50 mph and when I arrive the GOM is showing 70% & 165 miles remaining, so it as used 101 miles of range but only done around 67.
The moral of the post is don’t believe anything the GOM tells you in truth the percentage figure is more in the right, if you double your percentage you will get a much more accurate range available than what the car tells you in general hopefully it will improve as it gets warmer.