Agree ?She came over as a bit of a curmudgeon. I don't think that video would put anyone off looking at the car because it was all just personal preference. Same with another one I saw with a lurid title about rejecting the car, and it turned out that the wife simply found the seats uncomfortable.
My son had a Tesla loan car while his ID3 was being sorted ( Delivery driver caught his car), he didnt like it mainly because on his 95 mile. trips to visit us he got out with back ache, just could not get the seats & steering column sorted despite the micro adjustments he could make, along with the short seat bottom, no support just behind knees.She came over as a bit of a curmudgeon. I don't think that video would put anyone off looking at the car because it was all just personal preference. Same with another one I saw with a lurid title about rejecting the car, and it turned out that the wife simply found the seats uncomfortable.
Yes I heard her say a few things that were so fixable if someone knowledgable had told her there. As you say if they afford a Born and they did say they only have elec vehicles. You can’t win ‘em all but I’m won over.
I’m tbh I thought he was the dealer at first when he said with a straight face ok so you don’t like the sound the indicators make . I’ve also just watched something by are you aware that pulling down the middle of the menu ,(not left or right) brings down just the AC controls? You’re prob all aware but Justin case.