Some energy consumption numbers for reference.
Essence 64.
Did a 300km round trip today.
Mostly Pacific Highway Bellingen - Port Macquarie and return.
ECO mode on way down. NORMAL mode on return. Aircon on.
110km/h cruise control for most of it. A bit of local town driving.
Sitting in parked car adds to cumulative time.
Sunny, 25-28°C, not much wind.
Stats from car:
Started with 100% SOC.
Finished with 14% SOC.
17.6 kWh / 100km
So 86% used for 300km.
17.6 kWh/100km x 300km = 52.8 kWh
52.8/0.86 = 61.4 kWh (estimated actual capacity, if we are to believe the SOC reading).
Perhaps another 45-50 km range remaining.
I think I'll work on 300km being the effective highway range between stops. Gives a 40km buffer, although I expect I'd stop within 250 km for a recharge.
A far cry from the car proclaiming this at the start:
While I did not require a public DC fast charger, the lack of available options is disconcerting. At Port Macquarie only one of the four fast chargers is operational, and based on Plugshare sounds like it had a queue.
No Kempsey option (other than an AC charger with restricted hours and is closed on Mondays, so really it's Macksville (2) or the service centre near Nambucca (2).