MG4 - LKA - NCAP ratings

Indeed, mine too. LKA off every time before I go, and speed limit recognition too so I'll still have to use the menu even post R33, unless I'm not going out of the 30 mph speed limit zone, where it doesn't activate anyway. Never a twitch. Never.
On my car it defaults to on. Though maybe that doesn't happen in the new software version? Oddly, it doesn't default to on quite as readily as the LKA does - sometimes if I've been out of the car but not shut everything down, only LKA needs to be re-disabled. But on every new startup, both have defaulted to on.

Maybe that's another SE software bug. If the speed limit recognition isn't needed for the NCAP rating there's no reason it can't remember its last setting.

I wouldn't mind it if it didn't lie to me so often, and if it didn't flash when it thinks I'm going too fast. It can be handy to have an accurate display of the current speed limit, but only if it's accurate, and if it doesn't leap about and make a distracting nuisance of itself. The display in Android Auto behaves well.
Mine is 50/50. Sometimes on and off.
Right, I've put in writing to Stoneacre whom are attempting a fix to my 4. Quoted the video and quoted the Chinese Road diagnosis. Told them the car causin great pain on a long run. I'd never been far in first 3 months of ownership so never experienced it. Just as I did Sandicliffe, I've begged them to permanantly disable the feature due to disability issue. The only weight in this is Motability wanting it diagnosed. This could be a big issue in that they don't use the car for the scheme. I've also quoted on here too with everyone's findings and fights. It's not a one off that we do know. I've even suggested loading a different countries firmware so off means off. I know for this pain it causes I hate the car, but blinding the camera makes the car lovely to drive and I genuinely love it I really do.

Outta interest, if anyone knows of a right hand drive country that has the lka lane assist permanantly off , let me know. I'll forward it on.
Joanne, if it's so bad, can you really not switch it off at the beginning of every trip? It's months since I even felt the LKA activate (a day I forgot to switch it off) and once it's off I simply don't even remember it's there.
The only way it fully off is by blinding it so there's no unwanted activity. If I wasn't disabled I'd cope with it but it's untollerable, unless it's blinded. Mg are aware so... the disabled charity obvs are interested as the 4 may not be suitable for disabled applications. It's fine saying its set up for Chinese roads, but a dealer should be able to switch it off as a disability option.
I don't understand this. In my car when I turn it off it is off. No ifs, no buts. I never experience it at all. If that LKA symbol is showing yellow, there is nothing there. Nothing.

You don't have TJA on, do you?
I don't understand this. In my car when I turn it off it is off. No ifs, no buts. I never experience it at all. If that LKA symbol is showing yellow, there is nothing there. Nothing.

You don't have TJA on, do you?
The biggest issue is the aggressive way it corrects, or follows something else it thinks is a white line. The video says that MG uk have invited MG China to experience how bad it is. Its configured for better roads as they are in China apparently. I was in a Ora funky cat Wednesday and that's as aggressive two with added brake applications. I watched this guy drive and the steering wheel pulled violently back into lane. I was chauffeured to Europcar to pick a loan vehicle up while mine goes in for whatever.... I asked about what mg4 was like to drive, and out of 4 staff members, no one can stand driving them. Manageress says they drive horribly and the problems I describe are pretty much standard. Maybe to yourself, you're physically well and the steering correction doesn't bother you, buy with me, it does.
Honestly, Joanne, if my steering wheel was trying to turn itself, I would notice, even though I'm physically well. In particular I'd notice it if was aggressive as you describe, but I'd notice even a twitch.

I can't stand the thing. I was spooked by it on my test drive. When I got my car home for the first time I went for a joyride, and about 40 miles from home I pulled into a layby, read the manual, and found out how to turn it off. It has not been back on since apart from a couple of times when I drove off forgetting to cancel it, and didn't realise till I felt a slight wheel twitch. (Most times I've forgotten it, I've realised because I've seen that the LKA icon is white rather than yellow, and have turned it off before it did anything.)

It doesn't do anything when it's off. Not a damn thing. Believe me, I would notice. There is either some setting in your car that is turning it back on, or there is a fault. It is not normal to experience what you describe with the system disabled using the infotainment screen.

Are you sure the TJA is not activated? Are you sure that you press the brake pedal to put the car into Ready mode before you go into the menu to disable the LKA, and that you tap the "confirm" tile on the dialogue box that comes up? Are you remembering to do this every time you sit down in the driver's seat, even if you have only got out for a moment and the car hasn't been turned off? Are you continually aware that the LKA icon is yellow, and ready to do the turn-off routine if you see it white? Because that's what it takes. But if you do that, at least in my car, it goes off for that journey. Until you sit down in the seat for the next time of course, when you have to do it all over again.
Mark sure you press the brake pedal first to put the car into “READY” then (and only then) turn off LKA and make sure TJA is also off. The LKA symbol (top left on the screen) should then be amber. If it’s still white you have not turned it off. If it’s amber but then turns white while you are driving you didn’t put the car into READY first.

edit: beaten by Rolfe!
LKA was a pain in the butt, now it's just irritating (much less violent). I use it in warning mode without sound warning, so I know when the system is detecting and wants to change direction. And boy does it not like: standing water on the road, cracks in the road, wheel ruts in tarmac, the road markings (weak, strong whatever) as the car might or mostly might not react to these things, but when it does you are almost never prepared if the LKA is full on.

That said, I do keep on braking front and rear if the car detect crossing traffic/pedestrians, that stuff works ok, scare the shi* out of you but works.

That said, just had a little drive in an old 92 Toyota Corolla 4d sedan. It does actually not need a lot of electronic overlords because it have superior overview from the driver's seat. In my opinion much of todays problems with cars are related to design that do not give us overview from the driver's seat.
The thing is, Vingnut, Joanne wants it completely off, and she should be able to turn it completely off. I have an identical car and I can turn mine completely off. There has to be some reason why she is unable to do that, but I don't know what it is. So long as your foot is on the brake before you do the turn-off procedure, and you tap on confirm, that should be it until you next get out of the car.

The only other way to get the steering wheel to turn on its own is to use TJA, but you have to activate that on purpose, so it seems unlikely that that is the problem.
UK probably caught the MG technicians unaware. One year later the LKA issues should be solved otherwise. They probably don't read feedback regarding the MG PILOT outside of China. If they add the LKA disable as a shortcut to the shortcut button, the problem would be solved. The Hyundai Ioniq has the LKA off as a button.
There is a quicker way to do it incorporated into the new R33 software update for the SE. However Joanne's problem is that in her car it doesn't seem to switch off when she switches it off. Presumably a quicker way to switch it off isn't going to help - if it's not switching off in the first place.
I have got into the habit of turning it off every time. The car has to be in "Ready" state or it does not even appear on the menu. I think there is general agreement that it is unlikely that NCAP are going to change their stance so it will be on by default.

There are a couple of ways it would work for me and one of them covers several other things as well.

1. Have a single button on the pull down menu to turn it off. At the moment it is 1, press Car icon, 2 Select driving mode, 3, select MG Pilot, 4) press LKA button & then 5) press "Disable". That is 4 more steps than should be necessary (or 3 if you accept the default of "Normal" driving mode.

2. Allow LKA off to be set in the Custom drive option and all the custom settings I like be saved for next time I drive. If, as the car does now always defaults to "Normal" drive mode when turned on then LKA is on whenever it is started and that would satisfy the NCAP requirement.

All that would need to be done is to select Custom with the programmable star button on the steering wheel and all my saved options are there and away I go. This would be my preferred option.
Stoneacre Derby rang today to just make sure alls OK to collect Monday. I've let them know in very good detail what is happening and basically begged them to disable all lane assist, lane keep software. The drawing is the best explanation I can give. A is the most painful for me. My tremor pulses the pains in my triceps, and then shoulders and neck start hurting. No other car has ever done this. I've been all over in this Tiguan and it's fine. So what is mg doing wrong?


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Stoneacre Derby rang today to just make sure alls OK to collect Monday. I've let them know in very good detail what is happening and basically begged them to disable all lane assist, lane keep software. The drawing is the best explanation I can give. A is the most painful for me. My tremor pulses the pains in my triceps, and then shoulders and neck start hurting. No other car has ever done this. I've been all over in this Tiguan and it's fine. So what is mg doing wrong?
Reassuring that HKA (Hair Keep Assist) appears to be OK ? typical hairdresser my wife would have been proud ?.

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