And falling asleep on motorways is probably one of the contributory factors to those stats.
I'm not a fan of LKA myself (apart from on longer motorway journeys) but having worked in the Traffic / Transport Consultancy business for many years I've seen the Motorway Accident Stats on falling asleep at the wheel and recognise why all these safety features are being introduced. I'm afraid we will all either have to accept them or just buy and and maintain an older car that has not got them. They are only going to increase in the future too !!
An extract from a Journal of Safety Research on Motoway Accidents :-
"Driver fatigue appears to be one of the most often reported factors in road accidents. According to Karrer and Roetting (2007) falling asleep at the wheel is one of the leading causes of fatal accidents and injuries, accounting for up to 15–20% of all traffic accidents in developed countries. However, it is often overlooked in police reports, as some drivers are deceased in the accidents, while surviving ones may be unwilling to admit that they may have been asleep (Corfitsen 1999)........."
Source :-
The severity of motorway accidents that occurred on the hard shoulder (HS) is higher than for the main carriageway (MC). This paper compares and contr…