Sorry I'm late.
I've been ahem, otherwise in accordance of the rules.
Well placed to comment I think, as I've had an M3 SR.
180 miles in the summer shouldn't be a problem as long as your not deploying the 'Full Beanage' willy nilly.
You WILL NOT get the efficiency you have been enjoying in your Tesla.
The thrill of a full launch will wear off.
The Tesla is a nicer, more relaxed car to be in IMO.
But I have been pleasantly surprised at how well put together the MG is.
I don't feel short-changed at all.
The self driving is far superior to the MG which in fairness is not advertised as having that capability.
(See Abusing TJA in a search)
The X Power is way firmer, but not harsh or crashy in anyway whatsoever.
Beautifully balanced despite our mostly awful pot holed Welsh Roads. (Speaking only for my local back roads)
I do not recall ever turning off LKA in my Tesla.
You will probably want to disable it everytime you set off in the MG.#
The LKA is not the best but something I've learnt to live with by switching it off in my pre flight routine.
I prefer the size of the MG and my first hatchback in decades is perfectly practical for my circumstances.
You must supply your own fart noises in the MG.
This is not a problem for most of our membership.
The Tesla Software and the experience of using it is far superior IMO.
I've got used to the MG interface and don't have any issue with using any of it whatsoever.
If you want a decent sound out of the MG I find Android Auto with Spotify the way I go about it.
Make sure you enable your Virtual Sub and select Rock or Pop in the equaliser for the best experience.
I hated the wiper operation in the Tesla.
The MG sadly, does not have a rain sensor, and goes back to you managing it yourself.
3 speed intermittent is not the height of innovation, but you soon get used to 'how you used to do it'
If you value devastating real world performance above all other considerations, you will not go wrong with an MG X Power.
I like the power and am not shy in deploying it. (Where conditions allow)
The thrill this car gives and the sheer ground covering ability is like no other car I have ever owned.
I've likened it to a Four Wheel Sports Bike in other posts on here.
I could go on.
And I will go on!
But it is also so very good at the mundane, the normal day to day, AtoB driving that we all do everyday.
It's not like any of my previous ICE performance cars, always egging you on with a thundering V8,V10,V12 soundtrack.
It's easy to use, quiet, comfortable, practical, easy to park, easy to load, easy to get into, but with a devastating hammer blow that puts you right back in your seat, whenever you require.
As you lose battery percentage, you also lose performance.
Nothing 'terrible' until you get south of 30%*** but it is noticeable.
***You can still get away from the lights very quickly if required.
#Depending on your road markings etc
To be clear, if you have well defined road markings the LKA works as it should IMO.
I find it struggles with poorly marked B roads as its biggest problem.
Edit: You might experience a slight vibe/hum 58to74mph
Initially I started a post 65-75 mph but I can feel it outside of those speeds.
Really minimal for me, but It is still there and some members feel it more than I.
One chap says he has zero vibes but most other owners report it to varying degrees.