Agree with the last three posts, but it happens in other walks of life as well. If you have a bit of a medical problem, you do your research, and eventually come to a conclusion what is wrong and what the solution could be. You trot off to the doctors who doesn't like you self diagnosing and stepping on his toes , and immediately decides you are wrong . As he/she does not want the responsibility of a incorrect diagnosis they send you off for blood tests and specialist consultation. (pass the buck) Eventually down the line your original thoughts prove to be correct and you get the medication which you , many weeks before asked for. In this case the extra costs are carried by the tax payers but you have suffered for an extra period of time . In both cases the sucking in through the teeth noises ( not my job mate ) and kicking the can down the road approach have similarities in appearance. In their defence , they could be right ,and yourself wrong and the underlying but not obvious problems are the ones that need attention, but the instant ( I know better than you ) dismissal approach is the one that gets your blood boiling.