The following day I stayed on with my friends. I took a stroll from the Hove waterfront back to their house and encountered no less than four MG4s on the way (details in the "MG4 spotted" thread). My friends have 16 solar panels on a high south-facing roof in Brighton, and the day was sunny. You can imagine. They have a feed-in-tariff, but like an idiot I didn't think of saying, fill the car up! We went out to dinner in the evening, but in my friend's car, as it's big enough to take the mobility scooter.
The following morning I did think of filling the car up for free, but there wasn't time to go the whole way by then (even though I hadn't used much getting back from Glyndebourne). The contrast between the ordinary domestic extension lead my friend produced, and the EV-rated one I was carrying was quite striking, and he was only too glad to use my lead. The plug got a bit warm, but nothing alarming and there was no visible damage to anything.
Then I set off for Yorkshire. As I was approaching the M25 I started to get ominous warnings from Android Auto about a huge delay, and there was a suggestion to save well over an hour by leaving the motorway. I was going to do it, but when I got to the junction it was getting badly gummed up by other traffic which had obviously got the same message, while the motorway still looked clear. I wondered if this might be a frying pan into fire move, as I don't know of any clear route round the M25 at that point capable of carrying that much traffic. So I stayed on the motorway and of course got caught in the grandfather of all traffic jams. TJA did its thing, and I only wished I had kept my Kindle accessible, I could have read while the car handled the driving part.
Eventually I got to my chosen stop, the Ionity chargers at the bus station at Milton Keynes. I still had a fair bit of charge left due to the very slow speeds (the M1 was pretty gummed up too), but I thought, I've been driving this car for 3 hours 40 minutes, I'm hungry and probably ought to visit the loo, so I stuck with the plan.
This Ionity did take my Electroverse card.
Next stop was at somewhere called Annersley, where there are Tesla superchargers next to a hotel which obviously used to be a Dakota, as I could find the toilets without any directions once inside. It's an exact copy of the one at Eurocentral, but it was called something different.
Caliban is getting quite used to hob-nobbing with Teslas.
I got to Halifax at teatime, just in time for fish and chips. I didn't actually take a photo of Caliban on the type 2 chargers there, although he charged on them three times.