Fred - I would question that quote again TBH because on the MG Service Schedule Check Off Sheet, it clearly states that the 2nd service is due every "2 years or 30,000 miles" ( which ever comes first ).
If you look at line item 8 on the sheet 1 for example, it instructs the tech to replace the cell coin battery in the key fob.
On that line item, track straight across that line, too the far right hand side of the sheet, in the text box over there, is printed the following
2 / 30 this means 2 years or 30,000 miles.
If you check both sheets, you will see similar line item requirements for both time or distance.
So, I am at a bit of a loss to understand why they have increased the price really, unless there are carrying out ANY addition work called for on the sheet ?.
If so, what and why are they doing this and why have you not been informed of additional work ?.
Some dealers will recommend a brake fluid replacement at 2 years - some not.
Mine did not require it, as its moisture content was within the safe limits allowed.
It is very likely it will get replaced at the time of the 3rd service though ?.
If it HAD require changing, this would have increased the price by about £50 if I remember correctly.
This still only suggests about £230.00 (ish) - so not even close to the almost £300.00 you have been quoted ?.
So, in order to proved some proof of what I believe is correct - I will include the MG service check off sheet that I asked to be completed by the tech, when he completed the work on my car.
In the top / centre of the sheet 1 - You will see ( circled in biro ) a text box that clearly states 2 years
OR 30,000 miles.
Half way down the same sheet, you will see my current SOH of my traction battery pack ( 99% ).
They also provided a paper print out, taken as a screen shot of my battery SOH.
This was clearly taken from the diagnostic computer as it displays the VIN number of my car.
Oh .............. Our car has covered around 16,500 miles and 25 months old.
Hope this info helps in someway

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