Absolutely, never took it as an insult.
You misunderstand what I'm saying. If your battery protection has triggered or almost triggered and house loads are switched on
when there is insufficient solar to support the load, in this state your system will import from the grid even though you have 90%+ in the battery. Thats what I meant by strangled.
Fine, no problem, right at the start of all of this you said you wanted a system that looked after itself with little intervention, now your saying youre happy with daily intervention.
Nah, it's a bodge
All what I've said allows the Zappi to work as designed without third party batteries and inverters getting involved. It in no way affects the battery and inverter system that you have and allows them to run at full capacity as needed.
Ive no idea what you have planned or how your logic works. I only speak from experience.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I will refrain from further comments.
You are still misunderstanding. The 93% protected battery setting is only going to be in place
when there is sufficient solar to support the car charging. If something happens in the house that causes the 93% limit to be breached while the car is charging, then the car simply stops charging. (And bear in mind that the something that has happened in the house will be happening because I made it happen. The house is not going to sleepwalk into this situation of its own accord.) At the point this happens, the available solar is simply ressigned to the house load, which is going to be peanuts compared to what the car was getting. I have seen this happen, when I turned on the microwave late in the afternoon when the solar was fading. There was no issue. The Zappi cut out, and the remaining solar easily handled the microwave. And the kettle. And recharged the battery.
I want a system that will look after itself with little intervention. This small work-round is well within the bounds of "little intervention". It is very far from "daily". It's just a small thing to do, takes seconds, on a day where I intend to charge the car directly from the solar input. And once I have the G99 I'm not going to be doing it much, if at all. I now know what to do in the event that I DO want to charge from the solar, to make sure the car doesn't empty the house battery, that's all, without taking the more extreme step of physically rewiring the system - which has its own disadvantages.
I'm still at the stage of learning how the system works, which is the path to being able to leave it to look after itself. So far so good. The thing I am really resisting (despite some cajoling from Duward) is Octopus Flux. That sounds like a freaking career choice. Blowing up the minimal chore of flipping a setting on my phone twice in a day, IF the car is charging from the solar, to "daily intervention" is ludicrous. It takes longer to plug the car in than it does to change the setting.
Frankly, you sound miffed that there's a simple work-round that completely obliterates the danger of the car emptying the battery while charging direct from solar. You're very invested in this rewiring thing, even when it turns out not to be necessary.
You want the Zappi to work without any interaction with the battery or the inverter. That's one way to play it. But when you let the Zappi interact then there are upsides as well as downsides. One is that it takes the battery % down in the middle of the day when there is abundant but intermittent solar, allowing the system to generate its full potential without being capped by the rating of the inverter. The battery tides the Zappi over when a cloud obscures the sun, then recharges from the extra regeneration that wouldn't be there if the battery had been at 100%. It works well. All that's needed is that little insurance policy of setting the protected battery % in the morning, and resetting it in the evening. With that, your concern about the house battery being emptied into the car battery (for whatever reason), has been entirely addressed.
If you don't understand the logic of my argument, then I question whether you really understand anything about this. The work-round is something that is only going to be done on days when there is ample solar to allow the car to charge. Summer or winter. I question whether there will be many, if any such days in winter, but if there were such a day, it would work in just the same way as in the summer, albeit for a much shorter period. But mainly, due to the very low angle of the winter sun and the very short hours of daylight, it isn't something that's at all likely to arise in winter. So why even question "whether this would work successfully through winter"? It's not even relevant.
Continue to comment, or not, as you wish. I've given up trying to mollify you. It seems as if the only response that won't be met with a hostile reaction from you is the news that I have insisted to Duward that he come back and rewire the system the way you want it. That still might happen, I'm still learning, but it's looking less and less likely the more I learn about how to operate the system.