I dont know if I should be worried by you taking aim at me
The windup of charging current can and does occur under certain conditions. It does depend on how your inverter responds and your available energy sources i.e. battery and solar PV.
I remember a mod on here saying that all they wanted was a solar PV / battery system that worked, they wouldn't be monitoring it like we all do etc etc
No it did not, this is NOT a Zappi issue. Your inverter started to draw current from the battery to support the loads you have including Zappi.
Again, not the Zappi, your inverter carried on supplying the energy from the battery. Zappi doesn't know any different, it still sees it is drawing 2kW from the mains and no grid import is happening and therefore continues.
There is no reason for it to stop, until Zappi sees import from the grid, it wont change and thats exactly the problem. If you switched on some heavy loads briefly, more than your inverter can supply eg fan heater, oven, tumble drier etc, Zappi would see grid import happening and after a set delay reduce or stop the charge.
Exactly, you need the feed to the Zappi wiring correctly.
You need to ask the correct question, "why would my inverter behave differently in the afternoon".............
It can be a number of factors that contribute to this effect, the inverter and it's settings are the major influencer. I have two inverters on my system of different makes and until I wired my Zappi correctly one or the other would feed it from the batteries dependent on parameters I had set.
I find its best to set ZAPPI as priority because it needs above 1.4 kW of export to start car charging (thats the minimum charge level on most EV's). So the system monitors the grid export, when it starts to happen, even low levels such as 200 W, Zappi cant use it so second priority Eddi can. Eddi sets the output into the immersion to 200 W, as solar PV increases so does Eddi into the immersion. Once 1.4 kW of excess energy is reached for a short time, Eddi will stop feeding the immersion and Zappi will start the car charging at 1.4 kW. If solar PV drops, Eddi is reinstated and the car charging stopped.
The key issue here is where Zappi is taking the load from, it needs to be BEFORE the solar PV/Battery sensing so that your inverter doesn't see the Zappi load. You also need as a matter of urgency your export tariff sorting and then the system setup becomes very straight forward. Export all what you generate, charge the batteries from the grid 23:30 to 05:30, charge the car overnight and/or during peak times if Octopus give a schedule (it gets you more hours on 7p).
As I've probably mentioned, it's not Zappi doing it, it's your inverter
Well it's all in there above and I did warn you BEFORE you had the install done what was needed. I know living down here in carrot crunching land you might think we know nowt but we do know the odd thing or two from experience and research.

A temporary fix would be to set your house batteries to charge overnight at the same time.
It's inverter behaviour doing exactly what it's supposed to do. It's a bit like have the heating on (that's the inverter) and then opening the windows because it's too warm (that's the load), the temperature inside drops so the boiler ramps up a bit more, the room temperature it too high again so the windows are opened more and so on. This is EXACTLY what's happening with your system.
Understandably, it took me a while with some quite elaborate monitoring going on to troubleshoot the whole system and it is a whole system issue rather than Zappi. I have seen it 100's times on forums and social media and amongst friends and colleagues. Every time, wiring it correctly resolves the issue because the where the Zappi is supplied from is the root cause of it all.