FWIW, LKA will not activate if you indicate when changing lanes.
Although I've only had my car a day my observation so far would be that LKA is (if anything) underactive. I have tested crossing lanes numerous times and think I must be the first to report it's dangerous as it does nothing the majority of the time ?
?It's quite clearly broken.
Good News! ??
Hip motion! I'd call it fishtailing. Mine has only done that once, and I've been a bit careful about that manoeuvre ever since.
I've got into the habit of looking at the driver's screen before I cross a lane marking to see if the LKA has seen the lines and they are lit on the screen. If they are I either indicate or hang on to the steering wheel tightly, if they aren't I know that it won't do anything.It won't no, but if you move accross a bit on a single lane dual carraige way to give a cyclist in a cycle lane a bit more room it will nudge you back towards them, If you make an abrupt move to avoid a truck shedding a tyre tread on a motorway it will nuge you back into it. If it decides that a bitumen seam in the road is a road marking (a major problem in the wet) you will find yourself being "nudged" into a non existent lane, where it then sees the centre line and nudges you back. The system is dreadful.