Hello, I would like to have information on the problems of a discharged 12 volt battery, which causes the vehicle to be immobilized.... Many MG3 owners have had this problem.
Is there a fix applied by MG so that this no longer happens?
This type of question/problem has been mentioned here and on other manufacturers forums on several occasions, by me and others.
My solution and that of many others who leave their cars for long periods, particularly at airport car parks whilst on longer holidays, is to purchase a small 12 volt jump starter pack, I paid a bit over £30, there are cheaper versions, but I avoided those and went mid budget, they can be pricey, up towards £100 for some.
This must be kept in the car somewhere easily accessible, mine is under the front seat, the boot is not easily accessible during 12V battery failure.
I also bought a cheap head torch, as it’s often dark when we return from holiday and to have free hands and be able to see without needing to hold a torch is a clear advantage, additionally perhaps a pair of thin latex gloves may be useful to keep you clean, but not essential for safety as 12 volts is not dangerous.
Additionally familiarize yourself with what has to be done at home, in case of an emergency and ensure the correct lead colours are used, i.e., red to red and black to black (battery pack to 12 volt car battery)
To call out recovery help can take hours, so to be able to easily get you going is a no brainer, unless of course you are one.
I’m thinking of saving these few words of help as it seems I’m repeating myself fairly regularly on the MG forum. Good luck!