I believe I've finally manged to buy this elusive repairable write off MG4 at Pickle Melbourne salvage auction. First attempt it was referred at $13,800.00 plus all the tag on charges ... yeah/nah, second attempt, I was the only bidder @ 10,250 but apparently it wasn't recognised or something, today, about 5 bidders, won at $11,000, $12780 by the time they added on their bits ..... now to find the short skirt, high heels and fish net stocking to work the street corner ..... till they finally throw enough money at me to go home, then I can arrange to collect it :lol:
Maybe I could fly over on a cheap plane ticket, get an interstate transfer rego thingy and drive it home .... the catch would be if I got there and there was no charging cable with it ......
Can the LFP battery version be DC fast charged?
T1 Terry