Standard Member
I fit in the group of people that cannot install their own charger. I own my house, but it's a part of a home owners association in the Netherlands in which my neighbors are afraid of EVs charging, catching on fire and burning them alive, what to say about media.
Also, running a cable is forbidden, both under ground or under those kable protectors you see at concerts.
So my only way to get my "free" solar electricity to my car is either long range wireless ? or what i just got an idea yesterday was to use a chinky 5-10 kw home battery. Basically put that and whatever else needed on some base with wheels. Because strangely enough, charging home batteries is seen differently than charging car batteries, no one seems to mind me charging a huge home battery up, wheeling it outside of my complex and charging my car there.
At some point i also question if this is a problem worth solving, but i am curious if anyone has any advice, experience or caution to share.
Also, running a cable is forbidden, both under ground or under those kable protectors you see at concerts.
So my only way to get my "free" solar electricity to my car is either long range wireless ? or what i just got an idea yesterday was to use a chinky 5-10 kw home battery. Basically put that and whatever else needed on some base with wheels. Because strangely enough, charging home batteries is seen differently than charging car batteries, no one seems to mind me charging a huge home battery up, wheeling it outside of my complex and charging my car there.
At some point i also question if this is a problem worth solving, but i am curious if anyone has any advice, experience or caution to share.