Campaign for adding "Camping Mode" to MG4

I would love it if my car had a sense of humor. But I would like to request that the Chinese friends develop a camping mode first.
I don't know about yours but my MG4 has a great sense of humor : the running gag of the middle line alert, the jestful kick of the steering wheel, the honking "gotcha" that always makes me jump when I try to lock up the car a bit too fast and the passenger haven't slammed their door yet, or the classic "rear right tire pressure low" that is at the same exact pressure as the rest of my tires.

Regulation No 48 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE) — Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices [2016/1723]​ The daytime running lamps shall be switched ON automatically when the device which starts and/or stops the engine (propulsion system) is set in a position which makes it possible for the engine (propulsion system) to operate. However, the daytime running lamps may remain OFF while the following conditions exist: automatic transmission control is in the park position; or parking brake is in the applied position; or to the vehicle being set in motion for the first time after each manual activation of the propulsion system.

One of the damning things is that the car does have a clear step to engage the engine with the pressing the brake pedal fully to get the "system ready" message and being able to switch out of P, so it cannot be argued that the car is on the moment the driver get on the seat.
I don't know about yours but my MG4 has a great sense of humor : the running gag of the middle line alert, the jestful kick of the steering wheel, the honking "gotcha" that always makes me jump when I try to lock up the car a bit too fast and the passenger haven't slammed their door yet, or the classic "rear right tire pressure low" that is at the same exact pressure as the rest of my tires.

One of the damning things is that the car does have a clear step to engage the engine with the pressing the brake pedal fully to get the "system ready" message and being able to switch out of P, so it cannot be argued that the car is on the moment the driver get on the seat.
I wonder if all of this flows from the bizarre decision to forgo an On/Off switch and use the seat?
I don't know about yours but my MG4 has a great sense of humor : the running gag of the middle line alert, the jestful kick of the steering wheel, the honking "gotcha" that always makes me jump when I try to lock up the car a bit too fast and the passenger haven't slammed their door yet, or the classic "rear right tire pressure low" that is at the same exact pressure as the rest of my tires.

One of the damning things is that the car does have a clear step to engage the engine with the pressing the brake pedal fully to get the "system ready" message and being able to switch out of P, so it cannot be argued that the car is on the moment the driver get on the seat.
I have the same situation. However, the first thing I do when I get in the car is turn off the ELK. I wish there was a 'camp mode' button or a button to turn off the DRLs next to it. The tyre pressure sensors are very sensitive; maybe that's a good thing.
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Why do you need a specific camp mode, rather than just for the toggle that turns off the lights to turn off the sidelights as well as the rest of the lighting system? Which is probably what it ought to do if it was properly configured.
If the Saab worked the same way, I think it had the same bug.

Thanks, you're making it a lot clearer. I should probably go out in the dark and figure this out in practice.

To be honest it was only on Sunday evening, when I was talking to the guy setting up his tent in front of where I'd parked Caliban (hoping that the lights wouldn't be shining into anyone's space, but good intentions and all that...) that I began to think, this is not an intentional feature, it's another bug. He was baffled that any car would be deliberately set up to behave like that, and was offering suggestions as to how to switch the lights off. It was only when I said we'd had a fairly long thread on the forum discussing this, and the blackout blinds were so far the only workable solution that he gave over. (He said that if the lights bothered them he'd reverse his car to be between their tent and Caliban, but fortunately there was little wind and the curtains stayed put.)

I'm certain that this is the best way to address this. To complain that this is a bug and that the lights don't work as they should - leading to the inability to switch off the DRLs when sitting in the car, regardless of where you're parked.

I've been out for a spin on a very dark road, and only looked at what lights were showing in front. My conclusion was:
  • Auto-lights setting, headlights on, dashboard lit up
  • Auto-lights off, only the DRLs showing, dashboard has gone dark
  • Sidelights setting, only the DRLs showing, dashboard lit up
  • Lights-on setting, headlights on, dashboard lit up.
It's interesting that the dashboard lights go off when the auto-lights are switched off, even though the DRLs stay on. To me that indicates that the car is supposed to go dark, and that the DRLs staying on is a feature of an entomological nature.

Other than the dashboard lights there is no difference as regards the front lights between the sidelights setting and the off setting. I appreciate that the rear lights will be on when the sidelights setting is selected, though.

That's the bug, then. There is a perfectly cromulent sidelights setting that leaves both front DRLs and rear lights lit. No problem with that. It's presumably what we should be doing if we park somewhere that new ruling says we should leave lights on. (I'm not quite clear whether the ruling is mandating both front and rear lights or just front ones, but both would seem logical.) I also noted that if I left the lights at the "on" position (furthest left) then when I got out and locked the car, the headlights dimmed leaving only the DRLs showing, just as if I'd left it on the sidelights setting.

There is absolutely no reason at all to make it impossible to switch off the DRLs without powering the entire car down. The parking lights function is adequately covered by the sidelights setting, and quite properly leaves both front and rear lights showing.

I'm certain this is the approach we need to take. Complain that the lights are not functioning correctly in that the DRLs are staying on when they should be going off along with the rear lights when auto-lighting is switched off. Report it as a software bug, enumerate the problems it causes (sitting in the car in a residential street, aurora-watching, drive-in cinemas, camping etc.), and request a fix.

(I tried the thing with the indicators just to see, but it doesn't work. When I locked the door the indicators went off but the lights stayed on both sides. Even though it would indeed be a better solution, the MG4 doesn't work like that.)

This is a point that seems to have got a bit lost. Is it part of the same bug? I suspect it might be but I'm not sure. I've actually found the fact that the lights come on when I pre-heat the car to be quite useful, as it means they're on when I go out to the car. I often pre-heat before leaving choir practice on frosty evenings, and it's nice to have the car lit. But on the other hand if I was that bothered about it being lit, I could use the key fob to do the job, I think. I can well imagine that there might be circumstances where you don't want the car to be blazing with light when it's pre-heating. Someone in another thread mentioned his reluctance to pre-heat the car early in the morning because the lights were shining on a neighbour's window.

Any thoughts? I think this should be included in the bug report/complaint.

Sorry, this just connected with my brain. You're perfectly right. The lights-off toggle shouldn't be able to be operated while the car is moving. It's frightened the life out of me on two or three occasions, and my only comfort was that I presumed the DRLs were still on even though I wasn't aware of them. It seems to be part and parcel of the whole mess. I wonder if it's possible to disable that when the car is in motion? It bloody well ought to be
As I’ve moaned in the past. Just add in a bit of mercedes technology. While driving my 8 day old mercedes up the A9 at night EVERY light in the stupid machine went off suddenly leaving us driving in pitch black darkness.
mercedes Edinburgh said it was OK just bring it back and we’ll fix it ??
Why do you need a specific camp mode, rather than just for the toggle that turns off the lights to turn off the sidelights as well as the rest of the lighting system? Which is probably what it ought to do if it was properly configured.
You think we both want the same thing, but no, we don't. You want morphine, whereas I want a strong analgesic to relieve my pain. Morphine can be used for other purposes as well. My request, however, is more straightforward. I hope this clarity is more understandable for the MG officials.
In my opinion the chances of MG adding a whole new function to the car are somewhere south of absolute zero. The chances of them responding to complaints that the lights-off switch is wrongly programmed and leaves the side-lights on are somewhat greater.

Nevertheless I also think there may be more chance of action if they receive a number of individual complaints about it, and if the approach taken by these complaints shows some variety that may also be advantageous.
In my opinion the chances of MG adding a whole new function to the car are somewhere south of absolute zero. The chances of them responding to complaints that the lights-off switch is wrongly programmed and leaves the side-lights on are somewhat greater.

Nevertheless I also think there may be more chance of action if they receive a number of individual complaints about it, and if the approach taken by these complaints shows some variety that may also be advantageous.

If MG doesn't provide a software solution to this problem, and if your prediction, which you see as being 'south of absolute zero', turns out to be right, I suppose I'll have to solve the problem myself to avoid being left in the cold this winter. Either I'll sell the car and get one where the DRLs can be turned off, or I'll cut the wires that power those lights.
The simple software solution is to fix the off switch for the lights so that it puts out the side-lights as well as the rest. I don't know what your objection is to campaigning for this solution.
The simple software solution is to fix the off switch for the lights so that it puts out the side-lights as well as the rest. I don't know what your objection is to campaigning for this solution.
I respect and support your request, but I want more than just the DRLs to be turned off.
Requirements for Camp Mode:
  1. The car should switch to park mode.
  2. All driving functions should be disabled (this includes sensors or other features that consume extra electricity).
  3. The driver’s display should turn off.
  4. The DRLs should turn off. Other lights should switch from auto to manual mode and be turned off, but they should still be able to be turned on and off as needed (a separate menu under Camp Mode could be created to control all the lights, including the DRLs).
  5. The multimedia screen should remain on. Pressing the home button for 3 seconds should dim the screen, and pressing it again should make the screen visible once more.
  6. It should be possible to watch films and listen to music.
  7. The air conditioning should be fully operational (this is the most important).
  8. The car should be able to charge in Camp Mode.
  9. The car should be able to discharge for V2L in Camp Mode.
  10. The car should only automatically exit Camp Mode under the following conditions:
    1. If the Camp Mode button is pressed again to deactivate it (with a warning).
    2. If the brake pedal is pressed, putting the car into ready mode.
    3. If the car’s battery falls below a designated level (in this case, the vehicle should shut down).
If there's anything I've forgotten, feel free to add it.
How much of that is impossible at the moment? I agree it would be nice if the driver's display turned off but how big an issue is that? The infotainment screen has to stay on, and I just put a blackout curtain over the entire thing when I'm ready to go to sleep. I have the infotainment screen showing the HVAC controls so I can easily lean forward, lift the curtain, and change the temperature as necessary,

It's already possible to listen to music, and although I've never tried to watch films I would imagine that's possible too.

I honestly don't know whether it will charge or discharge when it's set up for sleeping in, I haven't tried it. It would be worth trying that to find out. I think it probably is possible.

I agree it would be good to be able to set a discharge limit as you suggest, but really, the main thing is that you make sure you have enough charge there before you set up camp. (I once turned the HVAC off when I woke up and saw 30%, but then I did a bit of mental arithmetic, decided I was being over-cautious, and got up and boiled the kettle.)

So yes, I see what you mean, there are extra features that would be nice to have in a camp mode. My issue is that I think we're extremely unlikely to get anything so sophisticated. It would be perfectly easy to live with if these infernal DRLs would just turn off. (I think most of what you want, like using the entertainment system and charging and discharging are possible already. And there is already a limit to the discharge setting that will cut that off if it gets to a pre-set percentage.)
I still think there might be a different reason why the DRLs can't be turned off. Camp mode is certainly not a sophisticated feature. We've seen that MG is capable of achieving quite a lot, including autopilot. I reckon camp mode would be a day's work for them. The difference with my approach is simply that what I want is clearer. I wish we had an environment where we could discuss these things with MG engineers – maybe that way we could speed up software development. But I don't even know how to reach these people. In fact, neither MG nor SAIC's websites seem to have any information on this.
My own opinion is that the DRL thing is a bug. I came to that conclusion when I took the car out in the dark on a quiet road and pootled slowly along fiddling with the light switch. What was very obvious, although I hadn't noticed it before, was that when you turn the toggle switch to "off", the lights on all the controls go off. To me, this indicates that it's meant to be a real off switch, and they messed up with the DRLs.

We want the same thing. The question is, what is the best way to get it? I still lean to the view that lots of individual complaints about how the DRLs won't turn off, mentioning a whole variety of situations where this is a huge pain in the neck, with camping just one example, and those who are particularly keen on a dedicated camp mode could put that suggestion forward at the same time. I think that might work better than some sort of petition.

But if we were going to do the petition thing I'd favour headlining the DRLs as the stand-out issue, and the rest of it as more of a wish list.

I have these two pictures illustrating the ridiculous lengths that owners are having to go to in order to prevent the light pollution their cars are causing. Anyone have any more to add to the collection?


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I took the car out in the dark on a quiet road and pootled slowly along fiddling with the light switch.
This is exactly why they behave like they do, when the car is in a state that it can move the there has to be front lights on at all times

Like I said twice they could change how they're triggered but in the condition you tested they would be on anyway no matter what you did with the controls even on any other modern car
In what way is it more dangerous than on a dark road a car with no lights whatsoever going towards pedestrians?

I personally can't see how having front lights on could be dangerous
I believe the danger being referred to is from another post somewhere talking about the function of the lights off toggle.

The problem is that it is allowed to work while moving, so with just DRLs you can only see a few metres ahead of you and at 70mph or even slower on a narrow B road, it's pretty scary while you fumble to turn them back on again. To make matters worse the rear lights are probably fully off too.

Edit: the lights off toggle is very sensitive and has been hit by several people while adjusting the full beam.

There is no reason to allow it to work while moving, and I think MG would agree.

If they are going to fix that, they could also fix what appears to be a bug at the same time. There is a perfectly good sidelight position on the switch which gives rear lights as well as front for safety while parked, so there is little to commend the current lights off toggle functionality which only gives front lights.
I mean that when all the lights except the DRLs go off in pitch dark that is dangerous because (a) the driver can see bugger-all with only the DRLs on the front and (b) there are no rear lights at all.

That toggle should be inoperative when the car is moving, and when the car is stationary it should turn out all lights. Show me another car with this cack-handed mess of a system.

Cross-posting. What @DixieTGS said.

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