And enjoy the way it drives. You're going to have to charge more often than you would have had to fill an ICE car with petrol, but so what? If you're charging at home then that's going to happen while you're asleep anyway, no skin off your nose, it's less trouble than going to a petrol station. If you're out on a long trip then bear in mind it's recommended to stop for 15 minutes every two hours anyway. These breaks in the journey are enjoyable, and you relax more easily when the car is charging, rather than thinking, have I had my 15 minutes, can I go now? If you have the LR battery you can probably get away with 25 minutes every two and a half hours (motorway driving) or something like that.
Even in my SR I drove for four hours non-stop to get to Fort William last month. (Glen Coe was gummed up with roadworks and tourists.) The worst I'll get on the motorway is two hours fast driving, and if speeds are lower or I'm on minor roads it's a lot more than that. Where's the fun in constantly holding back to cut down the number of charging stops or (more realistically) cut the time you spend there? Enjoy the car and the way it drives. And stay warm too.
As an aside, I was driving into Glasgow yesterday evening when I passed one of the petrol stations I used to have to stop at to fill up when I had my Golf. The first thing I noticed was the price - less than £1.30 a litre. The second thing I noticed was the enormous queue of cars waiting to get on a pump. None of them were going to get out of that in less than half an hour. I sped on, thinking smugly about the 7p/kwh electricity that was powering my trip.